- Jackson Liberty High School
- AP Computer Science A
AP Computer Science A
The curriculum of AP Computer Science in Java is based on the syllabus developed by the College Board. Topics include program design and implementation, algorithm analysis, standard data structures, and object-oriented programming design.
AP Computer Science in Java emphasizes programming methodology with an emphasis on problem solving and algorithm development. It is intended to serve both as introductory course for both computer science majors and for students who will major in disciplines that require significant involvement with computing.
Please note that there is a summer assignment that must be completed by each student prior to the start of the school year.
The summer assignment is required for AP classes and can be found here
Major topic areas include:
- the concepts of computer science
- program control constructs
- use of arrays and strings
- class methods
- object-oriented design and programming concepts
- creating and modifying classes
- understanding existing designs and code
- the use of sorting and searching algorithms
- recursion
- use of standard Java class libraries