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Summer Google Classrooms

Dear parents and guardians, 

The teachers of Holman have, once again, created something for students to work on during the summer to prevent a “slide” in the fall.  They worked very hard to develop review work for students to exercise their brain during the lazy days of summer.  Your child was invited to subscribe to the Summer Google Classroom for the grade that they just completed.  Your child may log in and look at the work that is available to them to complete and the resources for them to log into to practice various topics in literacy and math.  Our librarian, Mrs. Schadl, has also added the Jackson Public Library's calendar of summer events for children, links to ebook programs, printable reading logs, and resources for students to continue reading over the summer.

A workbook and letter will be going home with your child.  The workbook is specifically designed to review concepts in your child's recent grade level.  The letter outlines how to use the workbook and Summer Google Classroom.  You may click here to view the letter in English or the letter in Spanish.

Your child has been added to their current grade level Summer Google Classroom.  The invitation was sent to their school email address.  Remember to have your child log into the grade level that they just completed.

Please note that there are no deadlines, grades, comments, or notifications.  This is strictly for you and your child to review topics that they have covered throughout the school year.  In addition, teachers will not be accessing these classrooms during the summer and will not be able to assist with assignments.

Every little bit helps students prepare for the next school year.  I encourage you to have your child log into these informative classrooms and complete the review work that teachers have created for them.

Have a happy and safe summer,

Rich Karas