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December Principal's Message 2021
December 2021
Dear Holman Families:
During the past few mornings, the temperatures have been rather cold and, on a few occasions, we have had frost. Parts of upstate New Jersey have even seen some snow. Students should come to Holman School wearing clothing that keeps them warm during the school day. As the temperatures get lower, please make sure that your child is also wearing the appropriate outerwear, such as a jacket, gloves, hat, etc. Weather permitting, teachers may take students outside for a mask break and/or recess on a daily basis.
Substitute Teacher and Substitute Para positions
If you or someone you know would like to become a substitute teacher or substitute paraprofessional at Holman Elementary, please call the main office at (732) 833-4620 and speak to Mrs. Claudia Johnson.
This special event will be held on Friday, December 17th from 6:00pm until 7:30pm. We welcome you to the Holman Elementary School (please enter through the BEAM AVENUE entrance to lessen the traffic on Manhattan Street) to drive through a winter scene in front of the school, complete with lights and decorations! Last, but not least, Santa and Jax, our school mascot, will be there to spread some holiday cheer! They will be collecting donations for Toys for Tots, if you would like to participate. Due to safety concerns, please DO NOT get out of your vehicles. Please be courteous to others and keep moving. We must also stress that you CANNOT park or congregate during this event.
If you have any questions or would like to donate decorations for this special event contact HOPE@jacksonsd.org. We really appreciate any lights or inflatables that we can receive. The more decorations we receive, the more spectacular the presentation will be.
HOPE’s Holiday Shop, Candy Grams, Dine to Donate, and Kahoot Night
The HOPE Holiday Shop will begin on December 6th. If you would like to volunteer to help students shop, you may sign up at https://www.signupgenius.com/go/5080b4faaae2aa0fe3-holiday5.
There are gifts for mom, dad, grandparents, siblings, friends, teachers and pets. Cash and checks payable to HOPE are accepted. If paying by check, please make the check out for a certain amount and change can be given. A list for shopping would be useful!
Candy Grams are available for purchase. You may click on THIS LINK to access and fill out the form. Candy grams are due on December 14th.
Dine to Donate will occur at Chick-fil-A on December 8th from 5pm to 8pm at the Howell, NJ location. Proceeds from purchases will be given to the Holman Elementary School. Please make sure that you have a copy of the flyer to accompany your purchase.
HOPE Kahoot Trivia Night will be held virtually on Tuesday, December 14th promptly at 7:00PM. The Kahoot link will be open about five minutes prior to 7:00 pm for students and parents to log in. After that, the Kahoot session will be closed.
Google Meet Link: meet.google.com/ewj-prbj-sza (Please log in using your child’s school Google email account)
Math and Literacy Nights at Holman Elementary
Do you need help when trying to help your child in Literacy or Math at home?
Do you want to know how a typical lesson is held each day?
Do you want to know more resources to help your struggling child?
If the answer to any of these questions is "YES" then we have the answer for you.......MATH AND LITERACY NIGHT workshop.
Math Night
Learn how to navigate the Savaas (formerly Pearson K12 Learning) platform. Experience a typical math class. Develop a common math vocabulary. Learn about some of the resources that you may use with your child when they are struggling with a topic in math.
November 30th for Grades 3-5 at 6pm in the APR
December 7th for Grades K-2 at 6pm in the APR
Literacy Night
Experience a typical Literacy Block. Learn how to support your child's literacy development at home.
December 2nd for Grades K-3 at 6pm in the APR
December 9th for Grades 4-5 at 6pm in the APR
Please complete the form below, bring it in with you, and come to any or all of the sessions above. If you forget to bring the form.....don't worry, we'll have them at the workshop. This is a great opportunity to see what your children are doing a daily basis in math or literacy.
New Chromebooks for ALL students at Holman Elementary
All students at Holman Elementary were issued a brand new Chromebook prior to Thanksgiving break. Cases for Chromebooks are also available for purchase. Please click on this link to view the flyer for more information.
Arrival of Students in the Car Line
If you are using the car line in the morning to drop off your children, please make sure to follow the direction of the teachers who are outside supervising the children. Please pull up to the sidewalk and release your child on the passenger’s side of the vehicle (Please do not get out of your vehicle). This should allow four to five carloads of children to dismiss to the sidewalk area. Please do not wait to unload your child at the front of the line closest to the school if you are near the sidewalk. Even if it is raining, please continue to follow these procedures. This expedites the arrival process and gets students into the school on time. Thank you so much for your consideration and cooperation with this matter.
Report Cards
Please be sure you are ready to access your child’s report card on the district portal website. Report cards will be available on the portal to parents on December 22, 2021. Also, please remember that if your Portal log-in does not work, please try the “Forgot My Password” link above BEFORE contacting support, as most issues will be resolved through that feature. Please note that the “Forgot Password” link will work only with parents who have an email as their login ID. For questions or problems with your login ID’s or password (or if you do not have them), please send an email to portalsupport@jacksonsd.org and include your name and phone number, as well as your child’s name, school, grade, student ID number and the problem you are experiencing and we will respond to you as quickly as possible.
Looking and Planning Ahead
Board of Education Meeting - On Wednesday, December 15th, the Board of Education Meeting will be held at 6:30 pm at the Jackson Memorial Fine Arts Building.
As 2021 finally comes to a close, we look forward to the start of a new year. We wish the warmest holiday wishes to you and yours during this Winter Break. As we begin the New Year, I encourage you to continue to read with your child each evening, now and throughout the year. Time spent reading with young learners has amazing effects on students’ educational success.
A happy and healthy New Year to all! As a reminder, Holman School will have an early dismissal on Thursday, December 23rd, 2021. ALL students in grades PK-5 will be dismissed at 1:15PM. We look forward to seeing you again on Monday, January 3, 2022.
Rich Karas
Principal, Holman Elementary