- Holman Elementary School
- Holman News Archive
Important Arrival and Dismissal Information
Regular School Hours, Arrival, and Dismissal:
Please note that the SCHOOL HOURS for Grades PK-5 are still as follows - 9:00am - 3:20pm.
In an effort to continuously improve the safety of students and staff, parents may not pick up their child(ren) at the end of the day in the main lobby on a consistent basis. Dismissal in the main lobby will only be reserved for parents who need to occasionally pick up their child due to a doctor’s appointment, an illness, or some other reason prior to the end of the day. There will be three choices for end of the day student dismissal. Students may 1) take the bus, 2) be picked up at the walker dismissal site, or 3) be picked up in the car line. Parents choosing the car line dismissal must fill out paperwork (see Carline Dismissal Form below) and pick up their child(ren) everyday on the car line (except on September 6, 7, and 8….parents may pick up their child(ren) in the front lobby). Parents who ignore this new procedure and try to pick up their child(ren) in the main lobby at the end of the day on a consistent basis will kindly be asked to choose an alternative dismissal option. Thank you in advance for your support in our efforts to improve the safety and well-being of our students and staff members.
DROP-OFF/ARRIVAL (9:00 - 9:10 A.M.):
- Please follow the traffic flow (as listed on the map) to allow other people the ability to travel on Manhattan Street.
- Only students in Child Care will be admitted into the building prior to 9:00 A.M.
- Please DO NOT PARK in front of our building by blocking the fire lane. Ample parking spaces, visitor slots, and handicapped parking are available directly in front of our building.
- A.M. Carline Arrival begins on September 5th at the side entrance of the school. (P.M. Carline is for ALL PARENTS WITH A PICK UP TAG. If you do not have a PICK UP TAG, you must pick up your child in the lobby and fill out a PM Carline Dismissal Form)
- Please follow the “traffic flow” as designated by the cones. Automobile traffic is PROHIBITED in the bus parking/standing area in the FRONT and on the SIDES of our school daily between 8:40 and 9:25 A.M.; and between 2:50 and 3:40 P.M..
- Students must exit the car/vehicle from the PASSENGER/CURBSIDE ONLY
- Staff on duty will supervise students during this time.
- Be aware of traffic pattern; please do not move ahead or cut across the line
- Please note: Side entrance closes at 9:10 A.M.
- Tardy students (arriving after 9:10 A.M.) must enter through the main entrance with a parent/guardian and will need to be signed in by a parent/guardian with the receptionist. (NOTE: Carline entrance is locked at 9:10 A.M. daily….please DO NOT drop your child off at the side entrance after 9:10 A.M.)
- Late students must be escorted by an adult and signed in via the front entrance. Students are NOT PERMITTED to walk from the parking lot into the school at this time UNLESS accompanied by an adult.
- Prior to 2:50 P.M.: Early pick-up ONLY in the lobby with a note. In addition to the note, it is best to call ahead and also let us know that you are coming to the school. (Parent/guardian must come by 2:50 P.M. in the main reception area to ensure safety at dismissal) Parents/Guardians need to come inside and sign the child out with the receptionist. Others need a written note, the Change in Dismissal form, or must be on the EMERGENCY CARD to sign the child out with the receptionist. Proper identification is always necessary.
- Carline procedures from 9/5/2024 until the end of the year are as follows:
- P.M. Carline Students are dismissed at 3:20 P.M.
- Parents/Guardian should not leave their cars for carline pickup and must have their PARENT PICK UP tag visible. (If you do not have a PICK UP TAG, you must pick up your child in the lobby and fill out a PM Carline Dismissal Form)
- Staff on duty will monitor and escort students TO CARS as they pull up, one at a time.
- Please be ready for your child(ren) to enter via the PASSENGER side only; it is not safe for them to walk around the car to enter.
- Be mindful of traffic patterns and traffic flow; do not pull out of the line or cut the line; this will ensure the safety for all of our learners.
- If you are interested in picking your child up from the P.M. CARLINE (only), please remember to complete the “Carline Dismissal Form”. If you choose the PM Carline option, students must be picked up on the carline for the entire school year.
Students walking to school will enter the school in the morning and exit at dismissal using the rear gymnasium doors in the back of the building. Duty Teachers will be posted to assist and monitor students at 9:00 A.M. and 3:20 P.M. Walkers will be dismissed from the rear gymnasium doors at the end of the day.
Parents/Guardians MUST use the "Change in Dismissal Form" – Which can be found on the last page of the student handbook or by clicking on the link above. Students WILL NOT be dismissed to any adult that is NOT listed on their EMERGENCY FORM or NOT listed as an EMERGENCY CONTACT.