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Summer Principal's Message 2021

Summer 2021


Dear Holman Families,

I hope the summer finds you rested, relaxed, and enjoying all of the wonderful things that summer brings.  As you continue to enjoy the warmer days of the season, I would like to welcome all of you to the 2021-2022 school year at the Lucy N. Holman Elementary School.  The first day of school for all students will be Thursday, September 9th


Holman Summer Reading

So many children commit to practicing sports, dance, martial arts, or musical instruments as a way to make sure their skills and talents stay sharp and grow stronger.  Summer is a time when we hope students will focus on keeping their reading skills sharp as well.  Reading during the summer months is an important way to keep vocabulary and comprehension skills strong, which will make your child's return to school in the fall smoother and provide for a more successful start to the year.

As we have in year’s past, we are asking all Holman students to read at least five (5) books of their choice and at their ability level during the summer months.  Students who track their five (5) books, either on a printed paper reading log or in an electronic Google Form that can be filled out and submitted here, will receive a prize in the Fall.

     Question:  What can children read? 

     Answer:  Anything they want that matches their interests and abilities.  If you are looking for some recommendations, click here to see a list of RECOMMENDED books for children entering grades 1-5.  Children can read books from home, library books, graphic novels, magazines, or electronic books.  For some links to websites with electronic books, click here.

The Ocean County Library (OCL) is a wonderful resource for our community.  With a library card, you can visit the Jackson Branch of the Ocean County Library and borrow books, magazines, DVDs, audiobooks, video games, and eBooks!  Check out the OCL’s website with programs, activities, and materials by clicking here.  Enjoy the summer days of a more relaxed schedule.  Rest, recharge, and read!


District Chromebooks

All students returning to school in September will keep their district-issued Chromebook for the summer.  This will be the same Chromebook your child will use next school year.  Any students who will not be returning to Jackson in September should return their Chromebook and charger to the Holman Elementary School main office.   Please note that you may return the Chromebook and charger during the summer to the main office Monday through Thursday between the hours of 9:30am and 2:00pm.

Please understand that the Chromebooks are the property of the Jackson Township School District and must be taken care of during the summer.  These devices are not intended for recreational use nor should they be used by other family members. 

Students may also order a Chromebook case for $25 specifically designed for these HP models.  Please click here for a link to the flyer containing information regarding the purchase of a Chromebook case.

Information and additional questions about the devices can be found on our district technology webpage:


Schedules and Bus Pass Release Dates

  • Elementary Teacher Assignments will be available on the Parent Portal during late August/early September.  More details will be forthcoming.
  • Bus Passes for all students will be available on the Parent Portal during late August/early September.  More details will be forthcoming.
  • Please assist your child in learning their bus number and have them bring their bus pass to school for the first few weeks.  Children in Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, and First Grade should wear their bus pass for the first few weeks of school as well.

Continue to monitor the Portal Information Page for important dates and instructions on how to view and print your schedule and bus pass.  NOTE: If your Portal login does not work, please try the "Forgot My Password' link on the Portal Login page BEFORE contacting support. Please note that the "Forgot Password'' link will work only with parents who have an email as their login ID.

  • For questions or problems with your login IDs or password (or if you do not have them), please send an email to
  • Please include your name and phone number, as well as your child's name, school, grade, student ID number and the problem you are experiencing. 


Are you moving?

Whether it’s down the block, across town in Jackson, or to a completely different state, if you are moving, please make sure that you contact the main office to update your records or have your files transferred.  You may contact the office at (732) 833-4620 and speak with Mrs. Lynn Goldblatt, the main office secretary.


Pre-K Students

Parents of incoming Pre-Kindergarten students are invited to come to Holman’s Pre-Kindergarten Orientation.  Parents will learn about the Pre-Kindergarten day, our wonderful school, and the curriculum.  Students will meet their teacher, participate in a brief activity and tour the school and a bus.  The program will last approximately one (1) hour.  We look forward to seeing all new Pre-Kindergarten students and their parents on Thursday, August 26.  More details will be forthcoming.


Kindergarten Students

Parents of incoming Kindergarten students will be receiving a letter with various school information and a color-coded tag with the teacher assignment.  This color-coded tag will help our staff to assist with the arrival and dismissal of our precious newcomers.  Parents of incoming Kindergarten students are invited to come to Holman’s Kindergarten Orientation.  Parents will learn about the Kindergarten day, our wonderful school, and the curriculum.  Students will meet their teacher, participate in a brief activity and tour the school and a bus.  The program will last approximately one (1) hour.  We look forward to seeing all new Kindergarten students and their parents on Thursday, August 26.  More details will be forthcoming.


Childcare Program 

If you need your child to have child care for the first day of school or for anytime prior to Sept. 20th -  you MUST register your child for Child Care no later than Aug. 5, 2021.

Registrations will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis.  In order to make sure we have our placements finalized and our child care rosters in place for the coming school year, please know no new registrations will be processed after Aug. 5th.  On August 30th, we will re-open registration and offer any remaining available spots - but your child will not be able to begin those child care services until Sept. 20th or later. 

For Our Child Care Rates or More Information

Call 732-833-4677 or see Child Care Academy Website


Visit Child Care Academy Website

Registration is July 6 - Aug. 5

If your child(ren) are attending the Jackson Child Care Program, please send in clear instructions on dismissal directions the first two (2) days of school for your child’s teacher to avoid potential confusion.


Food Services

Information regarding school lunch and food services can be found on the JSD webpage.  Students in Grades K-5 are reminded to practice their Student ID# for lunch/snack purchases.  More information will be in the Holman Student Handbook and on the district and school web page.


Back to School Night

  • Grades 3-5:  Tuesday - September 21st at 7:00 PM in the APR
  • Grades PK-2:  Tuesday - September 28th at 7:00 PM in the APR


Parent Organization (Holman’s Organization of Parent and Educators)

Be on the lookout for the date of our first HOPE meeting which will be held in September.  We look forward to seeing you there!


Board of Education Meeting

Wednesday, September 22nd at 6:30 pm in the Fine Arts Building of Memorial High School.


Regular School Hours, Arrival, and Dismissal

Please note that school hours are Grades PK-5 - 8:45 am – 2:55 pm

In an effort to continuously improve the safety of students and staff, parents may not pick up their child(ren) at the end of the day in the main lobby on a consistent basisDismissal in the main lobby will only be reserved for parents who need to occasionally pick up their child due to a doctor’s appointment, an illness, or some other reason prior to the end of the day.  

There will be three choices for end of the day student dismissal.  Students may take the bus, be picked up at the walker dismissal site, or be picked up in the car line.  Parents choosing the car line dismissal must fill out paperwork and pick up their child(ren) everyday on the car line.

Parents who ignore this new procedure and try to pick up their child(ren) in the main lobby at the end of the day on a consistent basis will kindly be asked to choose an alternative dismissal option.

Thank you in advance for your support in our efforts to improve the safety and well being of our students and staff members.

DROP-OFF/ARRIVAL (8:35 - 8:45 A.M.):

  • Only students in Child Care will be admitted into the building prior to 8:35 A.M.
  • Please DO NOT PARK in front of our building by blocking the fire lane.  Ample parking spaces, visitor slots, and handicapped parking are available directly in front of our building.  
  • A.M. Carline Arrival begins on September 9th at the side entrance of the school. (P.M. Carline does not begin until September 13th)
  • Please follow the “traffic flow” as designated by the cones.  Automobile traffic is PROHIBITED in the bus parking/standing area in the FRONT and on the SIDES of our school  daily between 8:15 and 9:00 A.M.; and between 2:30 and 3:15 P.M..
  • Students must exit the car/vehicle from the PASSENGER/CURBSIDE ONLY
  • Staff on duty will supervise students during this time.
  • Be aware of traffic pattern; please do not move ahead or cut across the line
  • Please note:  Side entrance closes at 8:45 A.M.
  • Tardy students (arriving after 8:45 A.M.) must enter through the main entrance with a parent/guardian and will need to be signed in by a parent/guardian with the receptionist. (NOTE: Carline entrance is locked at 8:45 A.M. daily….please DO NOT drop your child off at the side entrance after 8:45 A.M.)
  • Late students must be escorted by an adult and signed in via the front entrance. Students are NOT PERMITTED to walk from the parking lot into the school at this time UNLESS accompanied by an adult.


PICK-UP/DISMISSAL:  Carline procedures from 9/13/2021 until the end of the year are as follows:

  • Prior to 2:30 P.M.: Early pick-up ONLY in the lobby with a note.  In addition to the note, it is best to call ahead and also let us know that you are coming to the school.   (must come by 2:30 P.M. in the main reception area to ensure safety at dismissal)
  • Parents/Guardians need to come inside and sign the child out with the receptionist.  Others need a written note, the GREEN Change in Dismissal form or must be on the EMERGENCY CARD to sign the child out with the receptionist.  Proper identification and a face mask is always necessary.
  • Carline procedures from 9/13/2021 until the end of the year are as follows:
  • P.M. Carline Students are dismissed between 2:55 P.M. and 3:10 P.M.
  • Parents/Guardians should not leave their cars for carline pickup
  • Staff on duty will monitor and escort students TO CARS as they pull up, one at a time.
  • Please be ready for your child(ren) to enter via the PASSENGER side only; it is not safe for them to walk around the car to enter
  • Be mindful of traffic patterns and traffic flow; do not pull out of the line or cut the line; this will ensure the safety for all of our learners.
  • If you are interested in picking your child up from the P.M. CARLINE (only), please remember to complete the “Carline Dismissal Form”. If you choose the PM Carline option, students must be picked up on the carline for the entire school year.



Students walking to school will enter the school in the morning and exit at dismissal using the rear gymnasium doors in the back of the building. Duty Teachers will be posted to assist and monitor students at 8:35 A.M. and 2:55 P.M.   Walkers will be dismissed from the rear gymnasium doors at the end of the day.


  • Parents/Guardians MUST use the " GREEN Change in Dismissal Form" – Which are distributed the first day of school and have detailed instructions on the back of the form.  NOTE: Additional forms are available in Holman's E-Backpack. REMINDER: STUDENTS "WILL NOT" be dismissed to any adult that is NOT listed on their EMERGENCY FORM.  


School is closed

As a reminder, school WILL NOT be in session on Thursday, September 16th. 


I can’t wait to see all of you on September 9th and look forward to an outstanding school year.



Rich Karas

Principal, Holman Elementary