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Dworzanski, Dana
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Stop asking your children "How was school today?"
Posted by Dana Dworzanski on 10/20/2016
I often hear from parents that their children lack expressive language skills. Then they follow this statement with, "when I ask them how school was, they always answer with fine or good". We as parents know that a lot of things occurred during the 6+ hours they were at school. So maybe the problem is not that your child is lacking expressive language, maybe we as parents need to ask better questions?
Here are a few ideas to start with
1. What was the best thing that happened at school today?
2. Who made you smile today?
3. Who would you say had the best lunch today? What was it?
4. What do you want to learn more about in school?
5. If you were chosen to be the teacher tomorrow what would you do?
6. If you could switch seats with anyone in class, who would you switch with and why?
7. Who is the funniest student in class? What makes them so funny?
8. What was the worst thing that happened today?
9. What games did you play at recess?
10. Did anyone do anything super nice for you?
11. If one of your classmates could be teacher for the day who would you want it to be? Why?
12. What is your teacher's most important rule?
13. What is one thing you did today that was helpful or nice?
14. Which area of your school is your favorite? Why?
15. What challenged you today?
16. What do you like most about your teacher?
17. What was the easiest subject today?
18. Who haven't you made friends with yet that you would like to?
19. Tell me something you learned about a friend.
20. What do you like least about your teacher?
21. Who do you think is the best student in your class?
22. Who do you think is the best dressed in your class?
23. Which classmate is your opposite?