• Physical Education Rules and Regulations were given out to students the first day they entered the gymnasium.  Please be sure these rules go home to be read over again. If there are any questions regarding these rules and regulations, feel free to send your son/daughter in with them or email me at your earliest convenience.

    For Physical Education on the portal, the students will be graded by week for both participation (60%) and preparation(30%). It will have a date at the beginning of the week and each day is worth a total of 10 points.  3 will be for preparation and 7 for participation.
    If a student is absent or unprepared, the student will lose points in each of those categories until the day is made up. Students may NOT make up more than 1 unprepared for a marking period.  Students will make up their PE class by using the Map My Run app discussed in class.

    If the student is unprepared more than one time in the marking period, their points are not only lost the second time but become taken off twice. This will help to prevent the student from being unprepared for class.

    Just a reminder, at absolutely no time, are students wearing jewelry, chewing gum or using their cell phones. Each student should have a PE locker where these items should remain. This is for the safety of your child and the safety of the other students in class.

    Again, any questions, please contact me.

    PE Rules and Regulations