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April Principal's Message 2024
April 2024
Dear Holman Families:
The nights seem longer, the flowers are beginning to bloom, the grass is growing, and the warm weather is lingering (somewhat). The end of the school year is, as usual, looking very busy. As the weather gets warmer, students become more anxious for the start of summer break. With that said, it is also important that students continue to work hard on their academics and continue to behave appropriately in school. Please stress to your children the importance of keeping their hands and feet to themselves and respecting other people’s personal space.
Solar Eclipse on April 8th
If the weather cooperates, students of all ages could be in for quite a show on April 8. The first sign will be a sudden temperature drop. The sky will darken, and winds will shift. A dark shadow will appear on the horizon. Faint waves of light may waft across the ground. A ring of bright light will shine from the outer edges of the otherwise darkened sun. Then the moon will cover the sun completely and, for a few seconds, a thin red layer may appear around its outer rim. This fantastical display describes a total solar eclipse, which happens in the same place on the planet only an average of once every 366 years, according to experts. It’s also the sort of once-in-a-lifetime occurrence that can get children super excited about science—a worthwhile goal. We are very fortunate that HOPE, our parent-teacher organization, has purchased approved eclipse viewing glasses (see https://www.eclipseglasses.
Note from our School Nurse
In order to minimize risk to others, we encourage parents to keep your children home if they exhibit any flu symptoms which include fever, body aches, chills, headache, coughing or vomiting. We advise that you keep your children home from school until they are fever-free for a full 24 hours without the use of any fever-reducing medications (such as Tylenol or Advil). While in school, we will be reminding everyone about the importance of preventative actions, such as frequent handwashing and covering their mouths when they cough or sneeze.
Report Cards
Report cards for Trimester 2 were available for parent viewing on March 25th in the Parent Portal.
NJSLA (State Standardized Testing)
Continue to visit the district website to view the NJSLA testing calendar (go to the For Parents and Students tab and then Assessments and Grading).
REMINDER: NJSLA Testing begins in May. NJASK Science will be administered in late May. We encourage you to visit the district’s “Understanding Assessments and Grading’’ resource page, which has a host of information about the PARCC and other assessments. The full testing calendar for each school may be accessed by clicking this link. As I’m sure you are aware, a child will perform more successfully on a test if he/she has proper rest, good nutrition, and arrives at school on time. Your special attention to these areas will help ensure your child has his or her best chance for success!
Classroom Placements for 2024-2025
At this time of year, some parents write to the school regarding their child’s class placement for next year. Class placement is a complex process that involves the input of many educational professionals and considers many factors. The ultimate goal of the placement process is to find the best possible match between what is best for the student and what are the strengths of each teacher. I realize and appreciate your concern, but I will not honor parent requests for particular teachers. I do, however, value your input and individual concerns for your child. As in the past, I will accept one non-request. Even if you have submitted a concern in the past, you need to submit it each year. I will consider any concern or input that you have to offer, if you provide your concern via email to me before April 26th. Please note that I do not keep concerns from years past. Concerns written after April 26th may not be taken into consideration. This will allow the educational professionals sufficient time to find the most appropriate match for your child. As always, I appreciate your understanding and support in this matter.
Spirit Days
Don’t forget to wear your Holman Spirit Wear or red and black on Friday, April 19th.
- HOPE Upcoming Events
Yearbooks Sales: Yearbook Sales are now open! Yearbooks will be sold ONLINE ONLY this year. Make sure to order before the deadline (4/18) there will be no extra yearbooks available. To order visit https://www.memorybook.com/online-pay/parent-pay Use your school code 980229. Yearbooks are $28.00 each. You can send a personalized “Love Line” at the back of the Yearbook for an additional $3.00. - Look for more information to follow in the HOPE Highlights bulletin for HOPE’s next meeting.
Looking and Planning Ahead
On Wednesday, April 24th, the Board of Education Meeting will be held at 6:30PM at the Fine Arts Building at JMHS.
Spring Break will begin on Friday, March 29th and will end on Friday, April 5th. All students return on Monday, April 8th.
Enjoy the break. Stay safe and healthy.
Rich Karas
Principal, Holman Elementary