- Holman Elementary School
- Holman News Archive
June Principal's Message 2022
Dear Holman Families:
I want to thank all of the Holman community during this school year. It has been a pleasure working with the staff, students, and parents throughout the year. I would also like to thank H.O.P.E for all of their support and contributions to our school. Next year, I hope that even more parents become active members in this organization. As we approach the final days of the school year and begin the summer months ahead, I encourage you to continue to read with your child each evening. Time spent reading with young learners has amazing effects on students’ educational success. Please continue to encourage your child to read. I also encourage you to practice addition/subtraction/multiplication/division math facts with your child to help strengthen math skills over the summer. Have a safe and relaxing summer!
Primary Elections at Holman
As you may be aware, Primary Elections will be held in New Jersey on Tuesday, June 7th. The Holman Elementary School will again be a polling place for this election. The county board of elections declined a district request to no longer use the school as a polling place, so for the time being Holman must remain a polling place. Voting will take place in the vestibule outside the gymnasium and voters will enter and exit only through main gymnasium doors. Voters will not have access to the gymnasium itself or to any school areas other than the vestibule. As a precaution, there will also be an increased police presence around our school that day and the voting entrance area will be monitored by police and/or district security at all times during the day.
Media Center - Library Books
All students in grades Kindergarten through Fifth are asked to return all borrowed library books as soon as possible.
5th Grade Fun Day
As our Fifth Grade Fun Day will be on Tuesday, June 7th (weather permitting). I would like to outline some guidelines to make each day safe, efficient and fun for all.
- No visitors (parents, guardians, high school siblings) will be permitted to participate in the 2022 Fifth Grade Fun Day. This day is for students only (with the exception of volunteers that have signed up).
- Fifth Grade Fun Day will begin promptly at 10:30 am and end around 2:50 pm., at which time your child will return to their homeroom and be dismissed from school. Students will have complimentary pizza and ice cream provided by HOPE. If your child(ren) does not wish to participate in this complimentary lunch, they may bring in lunch from home.
- Students should wear sneakers, bring a towel to sit on, and bring water to drink. Sunscreen should be applied at home prior to the event.
Fifth Grade Moving Up Ceremony
The day is quickly approaching where our 5th Grade Students will celebrate their moving up to Middle School. The celebration will begin promptly at 9:30 a.m. on Friday, June 10th. Parents/Guardians will be invited to attend this special program; however, space is limited to only two (2) guests per student. Younger siblings will not be pulled out of their classroom to attend the ceremony. Tickets will be forthcoming. Please adhere to the following guidelines to ensure that the day runs smoothly:
- Please make sure your child arrives at school on time.
- Please make sure your child/children adhere to the district dress code policy for this special day.
- Please bring the two designated tickets with you to the ceremony. Each ticket holder must have a valid picture identification to enter the building. No exceptions.
- Parents/Guardians will not be allowed in the building before 9:00 a.m.
- Please enter and exit the school through the gym lobby doors.
- If you wish to sign your 5th grade student out after the ceremony, it may be done after the ceremony outside by the gym lobby doors.
- Click here to see the letter that is going home with your child regarding the event.
Fifth Grade Chorus Concert
The Fifth Grade Chorus Concert will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Monday, June 13th in the Holman School Gymnasium. Students must arrive promptly at 6:30 p.m. Similar to the Moving Up Ceremony, parents/guardians will be invited to attend this special program; however, space is limited to only two (2) guests per student. Tickets will be forthcoming. Please note that all Holman students will have the opportunity to preview the concert during the school day. Thank you for your cooperation.
Are you moving?
Whether it’s down the block, across town in Jackson, or to a completely different state, if you are moving, please make sure that you contact the main office to update your records or have your files transferred.
Kindergarten Registration
Kindergarten Registration in the Jackson School District will take place by appointment. Registration packets are available online and in all elementary schools. We encourage all parents (this INCLUDES students already enrolled in the pre-K program) to pre-register online to save time and streamline the registration process at the time of your appointment. It is incredibly important that parents register during this period so we can plan ahead for the next school year. If you are a parent of a kindergarten student (regardless if they are already in the pre-K program), we kindly ask that you make every effort to register your child during the month of March. All information is available on the Registration Page on the district website.
Please call (732) 833-4620 and speak to Mrs. Lynn Goldblatt to schedule an appointment during March to register your child for Kindergarten.
Student Dress Code
It is starting to become that time of the year when the warm breezes are blowing and we can soon begin to wear summer clothing. With that said…..It also time to review dress codes with students, especially the excerpt regarding NO FLIP-FLOPS or OPEN TOED Shoes. We have seen several violations which, as you know, can be a real hazard. Please see the excerpt from the student handbook below. If you have any questions, please contact the Main Office.
Restrictions on freedom of students’ dress will be imposed whenever the code of dress in question is unsafe either for the student or for those around him/her or whenever it is disruptive to school operations and the educational process in general. Specifically:
- Students will not wear hats, caps, or other head coverings in the building.
- No clothing, jewelry, or item that promotes violence, bigotry, profanity or use of a restricted substance, and/or otherwise deemed inappropriate, or interferes with the instructional setting.
- Jewelry and clothing should not restrict movement, be distracting or cause a safety hazard to oneself or others.
- No micro-mini shorts or skirts will be permitted. Skirts/shorts must be no shorter than mid-thigh in length.
- No boxers, spandex shorts or cutoff shorts will be worn.
- No torn or tattered clothing.
- All students must wear shoes at all times for safety and health reasons. No flip-flops or open-toed footwear are allowed.
- Students should not wear outer clothing in the building.
- All shirts should cover students’ shoulders, backs and come down to the waistline.
- Tank tops and backless shirts are not permitted.
On Wednesday, June 22nd, the Board of Education Meeting will be held at 6:30 pm in the Fine Arts Auditorium at JMHS.
Don't forget.....
June 14,15,16, & 17th will be shortened days. Students will be dismissed from school at 1:15pm. June 17 is the last day of school. Report Cards will be available on the Portal for parents on JUNE 20.
Have a safe and enjoyable summer!
Rich Karas
Principal, Holman Elementary