- Holman Elementary School
- Welcome
Welcome to 2nd Grade! Mrs. Malangone, Mrs. Lehmann and I will work together as your child's second-grade teachers this year.Communication is key - If you have any questions or need to reach me, please email me at mpolhemus@jacksonsd.org.Please be sure to check Google Classroom, Dojo, Email and our teacher pages for up-to-date information about our class.Thank you,Mrs. Polhemus
Monday - Media
Tuesday - Technology
Wednesday - Gym (Wear Sneakers)
Thursday - Art
Friday - Music
Monday, 10/21 - Crazy Hair Day (Crazy for Kindness)
Tuesday, 10/22 -Wear Tie-Dye (Peace, Love & Happiness)
Wednesday, 10/23 - Wear Orange (Unity Day)
Thursday, 10/24 - Wear Colorful Clothes (Throw Kindness Around Like Confetti)
Friday, 10/25 - School Spirit Wear (United as One)
Monday, 10/28 - Wear Red (Proud to be Drug-Free)
Tuesday, 10/29 - Wear a Team Jersey or Shirt (Team Up Against Drugs!)
Wednesday, 10/30 - Wear Your Favorite Hat (Put a Cap on Drugs)
Thursday, 10/31 - Wear Your Costume (Scare Away Drugs)
Friday, 11/1 - Wear Neon Colors (My Future is Bright!)2024-2025 District Calendar
Our lunch period is from 11:10-11:40
Please click here to access the Food Service Department
Class Dojo is a great way to share important reminders for upcoming events. Any important/urgent manners must still be communicated through teachers' email addresses.
In our classroom we believe that kindness is everything! We can fill each other's buckets by giving compliments, being kind and considerate of each other's feelings, and never allowing someone to be left out! How are you a bucket filler?
If you child is using the carline, please complete the attached form, and send it in with your child on the first day of school.
Carline Dismissal Form
*Carline dismissal officially begins on Monday, September 11th. This form MUST be filled out completely and returned to the main office if using this form of Dismissal*
If your child is a walker, please complete the attached form, and send it in with your child on the first day of school.
Walker Parent Form