• Holman Mission Statement

    The Holman Elementary School community of families and staff is dedicated toward working together to provide opportunities for everyone to excel to their fullest potential in a safe and positive environment.  We value each other and uphold a tradition of high performance standards that empower students to be critical thinkers, lifelong learners, effective communicators and responsible, caring citizens.  We support and respect each other as we strive to learn to live.

    Student Handbook - Malden High School

    Student Handbook

    4 - Rilli, Jennifer / Homework Policies

    Homework Policy
    Homework assignments should serve several purposes:

    Homework should be a properly planned part of the curriculum, extending and reinforcing the learning experience of the school.

    1. Homework should help children learn by providing practice in the mastery of skills, experience in data gathering and integration of knowledge, and an opportunity to remediate learning problems.
    2. Homework should develop the pupil’s responsibility and provide an opportunity for the exercise of independent work and judgment.

    Time Limits
    It is difficult to set time limits on homework, since students vary greatly in their rate of speed when working.  In addition, the home environment may, or may not, encourage a concentrated effort.  The following suggested times represent the maximum amount of time that a student should be spending on homework, for the average student.  No daily homework assignments will be made prior to the weekend or preceding a school holiday.  However, teachers may assign long range projects, which students may choose to work on over a weekend or school holiday.  Teachers will provide ample notification about any long range projects or tests, so that students can prepare in advance.  Additional, independent reading for all students on a daily basis is encouraged to strengthen essential reading skills.

    These are the suggested maximum time limits for each grade level.
    Kindergarten 10 minutes – Four times a week
    1st Grade 15 minutes – Four times a week
    2nd Grade 20 minutes – Four times a week
    3rd Grade 25 minutes – Four times a week
    4th Grade 30 minutes – Four times a week
    5th Grade 35 minutes – Four times a week

    Parents should communicate with their child’s teacher, so that necessary adjustments can be made and the homework load can be adjusted.