- Holman Elementary School
- Holman News Archive
May Principal's Message
Dear Holman Families:
Mother’s Day is celebrated differently from family to family but the spirit of the day remains the same. We honor that person we call “mom” for being that special person in our lives that sticks with us through thick and thin. My best wishes to all for a Happy Mother’s Day.
Staff Appreciation Week
Monday, May 1st - Friday, May 5th is Staff Appreciation Week. I am extremely proud and impressed by our teachers’ and staff members’ passion, strength and patience as they have dealt with all of the continued challenges of the 2022-2023 school year. If you would like, take a moment and have your child write a special message or draw a picture to recognize their teacher or a special staff member.
NJSLA (State Standardized Testing)
As I’m sure you are aware, a child will perform more successfully on a test if he/she has proper rest, good nutrition, and arrives at school on time. Your special attention to these areas will help ensure your child has his or her best chance for success!
Students must make sure that their Chromebook is fully charged for testing EVERY DAY. Also, note that cell phones and smart watches are prohibited during state testing. All cell phones and smart watches must be silenced and stored in backpacks.
Testing Dates will be as follows: Grades 3-5 Literacy 5/9 - 5/11
Grades 3-5 Math 5/16 - 5/18
Grade 5 Science 5/23 & 5/24
Continue to visit the district website to view the NJSLA testing calendar (go to the For Parents and Students tab and then Assessments and Grading).
REMINDER: NJSLA Testing begins in May. NJASK Science will be administered in May. We encourage you to visit the district’s “Understanding Assessments and Grading’’ resource page, which has a host of information about the PARCC and other assessments – including: The full testing calendar for each school
Moving Up Ceremony
The Fifth Grade Moving Up Ceremony will be held at 9:30 AM on Tuesday, June 13, 2023 in the Holman School Gymnasium to celebrate the promotion of all of our fifth grade students. Parents/Guardians will be invited to attend this special program; however, space is limited to only two (2) guests per student. All three fifth grade homeroom classes will be recognized during this ceremony. Tickets will be forthcoming. For safety concerns, we will not be able to accommodate younger or older siblings within the district. Younger siblings attending Holman will not be pulled out of their classroom to attend the ceremony. Due to limited parking, it is recommended that you carpool or walk to the school, if possible. Thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to recognizing your child’s efforts on this special day.
Field Days
Field Day Dates will be as follows:
Kindergarten - 5/23
Grade 1 - 5/24
Grade 2 - 5/25
Grade 3 - 5/31
Grade 4 - 6/1
Grade 5 - 6/2
Spirit Days
Don’t forget to wear your Holman Spirit Wear on Friday, May 5th & Friday May 19th.
Kindergarten Registration
Attention all Pre-School parents: You do not need to fill out the online registration forms that you completed when you registered for Pre-School. However, you DO need to call and make a registration appointment and bring your child to Kindergarten Registration to:
Submit a new physical examination form;
Submit a new dental examination form;
Show proof of 5-year-old immunizations (if your child is not yet five, you will submit these after they reach the age of 5);
Re-submit four proofs of residency for review.
For parents whose children do not attend Pre-School: Kindergarten Registration in the Jackson School District will take place by appointment only. Registration packets will be available online and in all elementary schools. We encourage all parents to pre-register online to save time and streamline the registration process at the time of your appointment. It is incredibly important that parents register during this period so we can plan ahead for the next school year. If you are a parent of an incoming kindergarten student, we kindly ask that you make every effort to register your child as soon as possible.
All information will be available on the Registration Page on the district website.
Please call (732) 833-4620 and speak to Mrs. Lynn Goldblatt to schedule an appointment during March to register your child for Kindergarten.
Student Dress Code
It is starting to become that time of the year when the warm breezes are blowing and we can soon begin to wear summer clothing. With that said…..It is also time to review dress codes with students especially the excerpt regarding NO FLIP-FLOPS or OPEN TOED Shoes. We have seen several violations which as you know can be a real hazard. Please see the excerpt from the student handbook below. If you have any questions please contact the Main Office.
Restrictions on freedom of students’ dress will be imposed whenever the code of dress in question is unsafe either for the student or for those around him/her or whenever it is disruptive to school operations and the educational process in general. Specifically:
Students will not wear hats, caps, or other head coverings in the building.
No clothing, jewelry, or item that promotes violence, bigotry, profanity or use of a restricted substance, and/or otherwise deemed inappropriate, or interferes with the instructional setting.
Jewelry and clothing should not restrict movement, be distracting or cause a safety hazard to oneself or others.
No micro-mini shorts or skirts will be permitted. Skirts/shorts must be no shorter than mid-thigh in length.
No boxers, spandex shorts or cutoff shorts will be worn.
No torn or tattered clothing.
All students must wear shoes at all times for safety and health reasons. No flip-flops or open-toed footwear are allowed.
Students should not wear outer clothing in the building.
All shirts should cover students’ shoulders, backs and come down to the waistline.
Tank tops and backless shirts are not permitted.
Are you moving?
Whether it’s down the block, across town in Jackson, or to a completely different state, if you are moving, please make sure that you contact the main office to update your records or have your files transferred.
Hope Meeting
Come to our next Virtual/In Person HOPE meeting Wednesday, May 24th at 6:30 PM. More information will be in the May HOPE Highlights.
Board of Education Meeting
The next BOE meeting will be held on 5/8 - 5:30 PM @ JMHS Fine Arts Building
School will operate on a shortened day (1:15 PM dismissal) on Friday, May 26th and will be closed on Monday, May 29th in observance of Memorial Day. Enjoy the holiday with family and friends.
Rich Karas