- McAuliffe Middle School
- Welcome
Buonocore, Caryn
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Welcome to Math with Mrs. Buonocore in
Room 223!
All students: Make sure you check our Google Classroom daily for assignments and announcements.
Parents: If you need information about the Google Classroom please email me.
*All students should bring their chromebooks (charged), binder and a pencil to class everyday*
The most important thing you need for my class is your brain! Come to class ready to think and problem solve!
Algebra Period 1/2A - 8:26 - 9:33am
Geometry Period 6/7A - 12:16 - 1:23pm
Algebra Period 7B/8 - 1:25 - 2:32pm
Upcoming Events & Info:
Please see our Google Classroom for assignment instructions and check email daily. Email me with any questions.
Contact Information: cbuonocore@jacksonsd.org
Guidance Request Link: Guidance Appointment
Upcoming Events
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