• NEW!

    eNewsletter: Email sign up or link

    Waves of YA Podcast: Ocean County Library’s podcast focused on Young Adult Literacy brought to you by their Teen Literacy Team. 

    BookPage: Discover your next great book! This is the online edition of the monthly newspaper distributed throughout the Ocean County Library system. Each issue includes book reviews, author interviews, feature articles and more. 

    Concierge Service: Let the librarians pick your next read!

    Chat with a librarian: Chat or text them at 732-943-1625 or email them at


    Museum Pass Program - Ocean County Residents Only: The Ocean County Library’s Museum Pass Program provides Ocean County residents, with a library card, the opportunity to visit a variety of cultural and educational attractions in our area. Providing a way for Ocean County Library patrons to visit important cultural institutions, for free, helping us achieve our mission to connect people, build community, and transform lives.

    Not new but so valuable:

    Educator Resources: These resources are free to access with your library card.

    Digital Materials: Enjoy eBooks, audiobooks, movies, magazines, and more! All resources contain materials for children, teens, and adults.

    Download App: Stay connected with the Ocean County Library from your mobile device. The Ocean County Library App lets you look for items in our collection, place holds, access your account, and stay connected on social media. The app also lets you check our calendar of events and locate any of our 21 locations. With the OCL App, everything the Ocean County Library has to offer is in the palm of your hands.