- McAuliffe Middle School
- About the Teacher
Gliatta, Louis
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Phone: 732-833-4701
Degrees and Certifications:
B.S. in Political Science Elementary Education with Middle School Certifications in Literacy, Social Studies and Science
Mr. Louis Gliatta
Dear Students & Parents/Guardians,
I am thrilled to introduce myself as your child’s 7th-grade Literacy teacher. This is going to be an exciting and very different year! Seventh grade is so challenging because the students are not those tiny sixth graders they were last year, but they don't quite rule the school like the 8th graders yet. This is the growth year! The maturity level goes up as we get close to the holiday break and by the time we come back, it's often a different student that I see, both academically and physically...mostly because many come back taller than me!
A little about me...
This is my 7th year at McAuliffe. I hold a Political Science degree and an Elementary Education degree from Stockton University. I had a career change from union electrician to teaching in my mid-30s, and I couldn't be happier! I'm so glad to have found a home here at McAuliffe with such a great staff and I am very excited for a move back to the Literacy Department from Science. I'm married and have a wonderful daughter that is headed off to college this year and she makes me proud every day.
What we will be covering...
The Seventh Grade Literacy curriculum is a challenging one. We will have discussions about topics such as dealing with a new style of learning and how to master it. We will be improving on some of the skills that students learned in sixth grade and we will be developing our Reading and Writing skills along the way. The goal this year, as it is every year, is improvement. Students received the foundation in sixth grade and now we will build the framework for success in the future.
As I mentioned above, the goal here is growth and improvement. That being said, I expect my students to come to class prepared and ready to learn. They should have the required materials and any homework that is due. We will continue to use items such as Google Classroom, Kami PDF Reader, the Band App and a few others, so much of our work will still be digital. Please make sure that work is submitted on time.
If a student is routinely spending more than an hour completing our homework, please let me know. I understand that students have other homework and out-of-school activities and I am willing to make accommodations where appropriate.
Grades will be based on homework (20%), classwork (30%), and tests/quizzes/projects (50%).
Absences and make-up work
If a student is absent from school, he or she is still responsible for the material. Students must get missed homework assignments from Google Classroom and see me to review any missed lessons. If there are any situations I need to know about regarding makeup work, please feel free to email me and we can work out a schedule.
Extra Help
Google Classroom
Google Classroom will be like our mission control. Quite a bit of the work we are doing this year will go through this platform. Paper copies will also be used in class, so a binder is recommended for success. This includes copies of the student's notes, presentations, and homework assignments. Monitoring Google Classroom and your child's Parent Portal are the best ways to keep up with student work. I suggest checking them early and often.
If you have questions or concerns about your child’s progress at any time during the coming months, feel free to email me at lgliatta@jacksonsd.org and I will get back to you as soon as I can.
I'm looking forward to a fantastic year and am so excited about a new adventure with new students! Stay safe and enjoy the school year!
Best Regards,
Louis Gliatta
Seventh Grade Literacy
Drama Club Co-Advisor
Christa McAuliffe Middle School