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    My Contact Information:

    Mrs. Teresa Toddings

    A message can be left for me in any of the following ways:

    (732)833-4650 Main Office



     Class Dojo 

    hours: 9am-3:00pm



    is September 5th...



    Day to Day Information

    We are so excited that you will be in our class this year. There are so many things to look forward to and learn about while in 4th grade.

    It's going to be an amazing year!!! 

    Check this page periodically for important information. Our other forms of communication will be through Class Dojo, email (as needed), and Google Classroom. Information about Class Dojo will go home the first week of school, so please be on the lookout for that in order to get set up right away. 

    Image result for pictures of school supplies

    Please remember to bring your fully charged computer with you each and every school day. 

    This is going to be a major part of our learning experience, and it will be required daily. 


     - Chromebook (school provided: same as last year)

    Student Chromebook Information: 

    All students returning to school in September should have kept their district-issued Chromebook for the summer.

    This will be the same Chromebook your child will use this school year. 

    Information and additional questions about the devices can be found on our district technology webpage: https://www.jacksonsd.org/domain/2623
    Please provide the following for daily use:
     - expandable file folder (6-8 slots)
    Expanding File Folder With Colored Tabs ... 
    • - "personal" headset w/microphone preferred
    • - box of tissues they go quickly :)
    • - soft pencil case
      - 1 vinyl 2 pocket folder 
      - 2 marble notebooks
    • The following items are optional: 

    - "personal" pencil sharpener

    - small crayon box

    - scissors

    -Sharpie marker


    **please label your personal items**



    Back to School Night:
    4th grade is September 26th @ 7:00
    We look forward to meeting you!







    READING IS ALWAYS ENCOURAGED. Open your mind to new adventures. 


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    Daily Reading

    Students should read at least 2 steps at home each night (each step is 15 minutes)

    (TBA) Reading logs should be filled in completely and initialed each night by a parent.


    Let's ALL meet our goal every month!  

    Image result for inspirational quotes for kids






    486,702 Happy Birthday Photos - Free & Royalty-Free Stock Photos from  Dreamstime


    Birthday Party Policy

    Birthdays will be celebrated at lunchtime in the cafeteria.  To be sensitive to allergy concerns, non-edible items (e.g. toys, stickers, pencils) are strongly encouraged for these celebrations so that all children can participate in the celebration.
    If you choose to send in a snack, consider a healthy snack. Also please note that all items sent must be in individually wrapped, pre-packaged portions so that the child can easily distribute to classmates. Ice-cream cakes and whole cakes cannot be accommodated by the food service staff.  You can deliver your item and/or treat to the receptionist or send it with the birthday child.  Visitors are not permitted in the cafeteria.  Birthday and/or Party invitations are not handed out in school, under any circumstances.




     Report Cards


        Please be sure you are ready to access your child’s report card on the district portal website.  Report cards will be available on the portal to parents on ________. Also, please remember that if your Portal log-in does not work, please try the “Forgot My Password” link above BEFORE contacting support, as most issues will be resolved through that feature.  Please note that the “Forgot Password” link will work only with parents who have an e-mail as their login ID.  For questions or problems with your login ID’s or password (or if you do not have them), please send an email to portalsupport@jacksonsd.org and include your name and phone number, as well as your child’s name, school, grade, student ID number and the problem you are experiencing and we will respond to you as quickly as possible.

    Thank you and have a great day!

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