


    We are off to a great start in Room 17! Thank you for helping your child to come to school each day prepared to learn. We are continuing to tighten up our routines as we dig into our math, literacy, and science curriculum.


    My main method of communication is the REMIND text system.

    Please sign up today:


    1. Send a text to this number: 81010

    2. Type in this message: @fe6dfg

    3. Press "send"

    That's it!


    Please mark your calendar:

    Back to School Night (for 4th grade) is

    Thursday, September 26th

    An important note about school supplies:

    Since our desk storage space is limited, I ask that students refrain from bringing in large binders or multiple notebooks, folders, and supplies.  I will be providing each student with a three-ring binder which will also be used to organize classwork and homework for all subjects. If students prefer, they can bring in their own binders. However, they should keep the size of the binder and limited desk space in mind. (a one-inch binder is a perfect fit)

    One small pencil case or box will be very helpful to store your writing supplies. 

    I will also provide pencils, crayons, and marble notebooks for students. If you prefer to buy your own marble composition notebooks, you will need three. I know that I have my favorite pens and pencils. If you have special pencils, colored pencils, or crayons that you would like to bring in, that is fine. Please make sure they are labeled with your name.

    It is important that you bring your charged laptop to school with you every day! Our Google Classroom will be the hub for your learning, and we will be setting it up on our very first day together. 


    Please do not hesitate to text me (through REMIND) or email me with any questions or concerns you may have. My email address is: 




    The best gift that you and I can give your child is the support that they need to MEMORIZE their multiplication facts. Memorization of facts frees up all of your child's working memory so that they can concentrate on the bigger task - solving the real problem before them. 


    Some important upcoming dates/events:

    10/3 and 10/4 - No School

    Wed. 10/9 - Book Fair

    Fri. 10/11 - Fire Safety Visit

    Mon. 10/14 - NO School for Students (teacher in-service day)









