• Welcome to

    Mrs. Mazzella's



    Welcome to Mrs. Mazzella's Kindergarten Class! 

    Happy New Year!

    School is Closed 1/20 and 1/31.

    Please visit our Google Classroom for more information about events and activities!


    If you have any questions or concerns, please contact me at dmazzella@jacksonsd.org.

    We will be using Google Classroom this year.  Be on the lookout for emails regarding log-in information.

    Our class page is an important tool for both students and parents throughout the year. Please make sure you check it weekly to see what is being covered in class, as well as, any special classroom announcements or activities. 

    We will also be using Remind this year to sign up. Click below

    Mrs. Mazzella's Kindergarten Class Remind

    or text the code below to 81010

    Our class code is @mazzella24 

    Please make sure your child has signed up for our

    Google Classroom.

    They will receive an invite in their school email.

    Information and additional questions about the devices can be found on our district technology webpage: https://www.jacksonsd.org/domain/2623

     It is for parents that need to contact technology with any password/hardware issues with their District chromebooks/Google accounts.



    You do not need to purchase supplies for the classroom for your child.

    The only thing he/she will need is a backpack large enough for a folder, a water bottle and a lunchbox (if bringing lunch from home.)    The students are also encouraged to bring in a water bottle each day.  We will not have access to the water fountain! 

     Please label all of your child's items with his or her name on them. I will supply students with everything else they will need for school. You may use the folder the PTN supplied you with or one that your child picked out.  I highly suggest picking up an extra paper or a plastic folder now (while they are probably still on sale,) since the paper ones tear easily.

    PLEASE be sure to charge your chromebook each night. Chromebooks should be brought to and from school each day. It may be a good idea to get a large ziploc bag to keep the Chromebook in while in your child's backpack.

    You can send in your own set of ear phones/ear buds to keep in school if you would like. Students will be using these while using the chromebooks during class time.

    Wish List supplies:

    Hand Sanitizer

    Baby Wipes

    Empty Clean Folgers Coffee Cans (Red plastic)

    Empty Clean Plastic Baby Food Containers With Lids



     Free & Reduced Lunch Reminder

    Please  remember to send in lunch (bagged lunch is highly recommended) and or lunch money.  You may add money to your child's lunch account through the portal. If you choose to send in a check, please make sure it is in an envelope with your child's name on it and the amount enclosed.  Lunch is only 30 minutes, so please keep that in mind when packing your child's lunch.  We do not have the means to heat up any items.  All food items should be ready to eat. Practice eating “school lunch” with your kiddo. Make sure they can open everything you send with them. Talk about not eating off of the table in the lunchroom! Set a timer for 15 minutes and talk about how they may not finish eating and that’s ok. (This is HARD for some.) Practice packing everything back up and talk about what is trash and what should come back home in their lunch box. First time Kindergarten lunch is a big adjustment and it will be super helpful if you have prepared them for the experience! 

    If your child will be buying lunch, they will receive a card to swipe. This will help speed up the process of paying for their lunch. It is still important to have your child memorize their student ID number. They will need to use it throughout their educational career while they are a student in our district. Their student ID number will be listed on the portal.  

    Food Service Department Website

       Dismissal Changes


    Parents please be advised, any changes to your child's schedule need to be sent in writing the day of that change. Please do not send multiple days on one note, unless it is a monthly schedule. 

    If your child has a schedule that changes on a weekly basis, please send a note at the beginning of the month. Please list all bus dismissal changes in numerical order(Please do not just identify the day of the week.)

    For example:  (Child's Name)'s Schedule for the month of September

    To go on the Bus                    Report to Childcare

    9/6, 9/7                                    9/8           

    Remember, if your child has a change in dismissal, make sure that you write a note in the morning.  Please do not send an email mid-day, as I may not see it before dismissal. 


    If your child is absent from school, please send a note explaining why your child was not in school. 


     Tech Tools

     The District Tech Tool Kit and Student/Parent Tutorials are available to help you with some common tech problems and document questions.


    Topic 6- Understanding Addition

    Please practice counting and writing numbers with your child.

    A great way to practice is to count toys and snacks!

    To access the Envision math textbook please see the attached instructions letter.

    As the year progresses, please practice fast facts with your child. These are simple addition facts like: 2+1=3.


    Alphafriends Chart
     We are starting a NEW Literacy Program this Year called HMH "Into Reading".  This program will introduce the uppercase letters 1st, and then the lowercase letters. The letters will be introduced as Alphafriends.  During the week, we will work on identifying each letter, the letter sound and printing the letter correctly. We will also work on many other literacy skills, such as rhyming, parts of a book, story elements and sight words. Each week we will send home a parent note to let you know what the focus is for the week and how you can help our child at home.   
    Module 3
    This week our letter will be: o
    We will review all the letters learned!
    We have learned the lowercase letters:
    r, f, p, c, i, n, d, b, s, m, t and a
    Letters introduced: 
     H, I, L, T, F, E, A,N, M, V, K, W, X, Y, Z, O, Q, C, G, D, B, P, R, U, J, S
    Heart Words introduced:
    a, the, as, to, do, I, is, was, you, of, for
    How Can You Help At Home

     Practice the letters and their sounds daily.

    During review at home, see if your child can think of 3-5 words that begin with that letter.  

    Have him/her look for things around your house that begin with the letters you are practicing.

    Identify the beginning letter of family members or family friends' names.

    As we begin sight words - Practice sight words daily. 

    Have him/her look for things around your house that they can read.

    Have your child help with shopping and helping to write the shopping list.

      Allow your child to help you cook using a recipe.
    Please make sure your child can recognize their First name in print!
    Our writing program will be integrated with our reading program. Each day we will spend time learning how to be a writer.  We will start out slow-so encourage your child to write at home....whether it is their name, copying words they see around your home or just drawing a picture and telling you all about it!  

    This year students will learn to write, revise, edit, and publish stories throughout the school year. Your child will have independent writing time in school where they will choose their own topic for their writing and have an opportunity to practice skills and strategies taught. They will also begin to assess their own writing and learn to implement the characteristics of quality writing into their own work.

     Free Learning Websites

    See the source image
    Please visit 
    our librarian, Ms. Palme's, Webpage
    for many fun free resources and activities.
    Switlik PTN
    If you have not already done so, please consider joining the Switlik PTN
    Every dollar raised by the PTN, goes right back to your students! We can already thank them for our new Switlik folders, the classroom care packages (tissues, wipes, cleaning wipes, & sidewalk chalk). 

    The PTN is always looking for volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Kim Nelson or Christine Amato PTN.switlik@gmail.com  Remember to sign up for the Switlik PTN Kindergarten Remind to stay up to date on all the PTN happenings. Kindergarten: https://www.remind.com/join/switlikk 

    Dr Seuss Quote




  • Class Schedule

    Monday - Music 

    Tuesday - Gym (must wear sneakers!)

    Wednesday-  Computer

    Thursday - Art

    Friday - Library



     Remember to be Bucket Fillers, not Bucket Dippers!
    Bucket Filling Initiative
    Switlik Elementary School is working towards a more caring and respectful environment. We are using the world acclaimed book by Carol McCloud, Have You Filled a Bucket Today- A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids in order to create a safer, kinder, more respectful school culture.