- Switlik Elementary School
- Welcome
Mansure, Shelby
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Welcome to Kindergarten!
Ms. Mansure's Class Page
Room 30
Welcome back! Below, please see the Kindergarten Orientation Date!
Save the date:
Kindergarten Orientation--Thursday August 29th, 2024
Dear Parents: Here are other additional important dates
Reminder: Please have students wear their sneakers on Gym days (day of the week TBD)
Reminder: Please have students wear their ID badges everyday.
Please DO NOT send in any toys, electronics, gems, personal pencils/crayons, unless advised. These items become a distraction in class. The students have everything they need provided for them for success!
Please work with your children to show them basic independent tasks (zipping book bags, adding papers to folders, jackets, and remembering/ recognizing their belongings). Please label EVERYTHING. This helps tremendously with getting lost items back to the right student.
Please be advised that Class Dojo and Google Classroom are updated frequently with important information and reminders.
Email address: smansure@jacksonsd.org
Please Join Our Google Classroom!: https://classroom.google.com/c/NzA5NjM5NDM3MTEw?cjc=7c2druw
Class Code: 7c2druw
Please join our class dojo! https://www.classdojo.com/ul/p/addKid?target=class&class=CLJLXWD
Dismissal Changes: Notes are needed for any sort of dismissal change. The note should also include the date, the student's name, and my name.
Chromebook Procedures: Please make sure that your child brings their charged chromebook to school every day. Chromebooks will be utilized often in the classroom setting.
LUNCHES: Your child may bring a bagged lunch or can purchase a lunch from school. Please make sure that your child has a water bottle with them for school. (not a glass bottle). Water only. Juice can be had in the lunchroom. If a student forgets their water bottle in the classroom, please send them in with a new one the next day. I will do my best to ensure that both water bottles are brought home the next school day. Below please find the application for free and reduced lunches.
Hello Parents!
This page will be updated periodically with what we are currently learning. As of now, work with your children on basic independent tasks (zipping jackets and bookbags, adding papers to folders, recognizing and remembering their belongings, etc). This is a great way to help prepare them for their kindergarten school year! :)
Upcoming Assessments
Please see this page for upcoming assessments and or assignments.
Special Information: (TBD)
We have provided everything needed for your child to have a successful year in Kindergarten. The only things that are needed at school with your child is a backpack, a water bottle (no glass), and a change of clothes in a bag (in case of accidents). In addition, students will bring a folder back and forth from school. You may use the folder that the PTN will supply each student with, or you may bring your own for your child. Please use only 1 folder. With more than one, it gets a bit confusing for the students. It is encouraged to have crayons, pencils, scissors and glue available at home as well for homework projects. In addition, please remember to bring a charged chromebook to school every day. They will go back and forth from home and will be utilized often in the classroom.
Here are some needed items if you would like to donate to the class! Thank you!!!
-dry erase markers
-ziploc bags
-baby wipes
-Play Doh for Brain Breaks
-Mini Water Bottles
-Dry Snacks
-Directions to log into Pearson Envision Math
1. Sign into your childs Google e-mail account.
2. Username is their student id# @jacksonsd.org
3. Password is initials and student id# (For example, Shelby Mansure would be sm123456)
- Online Site For student access to Envision math series log onto your child’s Google account and click on the ‘waffle dots’ and then click on ‘Easy Bridge’
If you don't know their student id# - please feel free to e-mail me or Mr. Autenrieth
Please see our google classroom page for other information regarding class logins.

-Math homework will be given out every Monday. The homework packet will include a homework page for each lesson that week. The homework packet will be due on Fridays. There will be no homework on Fridays.
-You will receive a math topic opener packet every time your child is about to begin a new math topic. You may complete it at home with your child at your leisure. This is optional. I suggest your child cut the vocabulary cards apart and store them in a bag to refer to when working on assignments. Please do not return it back to class. It is a way for you to get a glimpse of the new Topic.
-Review pages will be sent home in your child’s folder the day before the test. It is encouraged to complete the sheets and keep them home for review purposes. We will not be grading or checking their work. We will also review for the Topic tests in class the day before the test. In addition, please check this class page for the dates of upcoming assessments.This optional review packet will look similar to the image below. This packet is optional. Please do not send back to school.
Independent reading or Raz is encouraged as well as practice on IXL.
Trick/Sight Words
-We will be learning 85+ sight words. Resources for home can be found on our Google Classroom. Color Word Flash Cards and Sight Word Flash Cards will also be sent home as we learn new words.
Google Classroom
-Our Google classroom will occasionally have additional optional resources available.
Birthday Party Policy
Birthdays will be celebrated at lunchtime in the cafeteria or our classroom during snack time (if able). To be sensitive to allergy concerns, non-edible items (e.g. toys, stickers, pencils) are strongly encouraged for these celebrations so that all children can participate in the celebration.If you choose to send in a snack, consider a healthy snack. Ice-cream cakes and whole cakes cannot be accommodated by the food service staff. You can deliver your item and/or treat to the receptionist or send it with the birthday child. Birthday and/or Party invitations are not handed out in school, under any circumstances. However, parents are invited to join the class “party list” which will be found on our Google classroom. If you would like to sign up for the list please see google classroom. We currently have 18 students.For any questions on accessing this list please email me at smansure@jacksonsd.org or message me on our class dojo.
When the weather does not permit outdoor recess, we will be having indoor recess. Please do not send any toys or stuffed animals from home. There will be playdoh and other activities provided to the students when indoor recess occurs. In addition, when weather permits and we are outside on the playground, please ensure that your child is wearing sneakers. Crocs, sandals, etc. are not permitted on the playground.
Being a bucket filler means that we are kind to one another! We fill each other up with kindness! In our class we will strive to be bucket fillers every day!
I believe that strong parent-teacher communication is essential for a successful school year. I will be updating this class page, Google Classroom, and Class Dojo often. Please feel free to e-mail me at smansure@jacksonsd.org if you have any other questions, comments, or concerns.
Thank you!