• welcome

    I am looking forward to a great year! :)

    Please do not hesitate to ask me any questions!   dscrofani@jacksonsd.org


    My main general form of communication will be this class page and remind. Visit this page often to find out what skills and strategies we are learning in class! Announcements and important information will be uploaded to our class page and/or sent via remind.

    Please reach out to me with any questions or information you would like me to know!





    In order to keep you informed on everything going on this year, I ask that you please join my Remind group on your phone/email ASAP!

    It is easy to do and FREE.

    text  81010


    or here is a link:



    Need a new Chromebook charger? Here is the link:

    Amazon Chromebook Charger


    Students will need:

    -a 3 ring 2 inch binder 


    I provide: Take-Home folder, pencils, erasers, crayons, scissors, pencil case and glue sticks. 


    The students are encouraged to bring in a water bottle each day (must be water, juice will be allowed in the lunchroom).


    ~Planners: Homework and reminders will be written there every morning. Please sign the planner and check the take-home folder on a daily basis.

    ~Chromebooks: MUST be charged and brought to school every day!

    ~Take-Home Folder: I will be providing a take-home folder on the first day. This folder is to come back and forth to school each day. Please use this folder to send in any notes and/or homework.

    *Please try to remember bus numbers and student ID tags!*



    Please send in a note if there will be a change in dismissal for your child. All dismissal notes are sent down to the office in the morning. It is important that you date these notes, include your child's name, and my name.

    If your child is absent, please send in a note. If they are sick, and see a doctor, please send in a doctor's note.

    Thank you!


    Special Schedule

    Monday: Music

    Tuesday: Gym (WEAR SNEAKERS)

    Wednesday: Computers

    Thursday: Art

    Friday: Library

    Lunch: 11:55 am


    Donations are greatly appreciated!


    Lysol Wipes

    Hand Sanitizer

    Small Ziplock Bags

    Colored Printer Paper

    happy face




  • Important Dates & Announcements

    September 25th: Back to School Night

    October 3-4th: NO SCHOOL

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