

    Welcome to Ms. Lykes Class Page.

     2024-2025 School Year!

     My name is Ms. Lykes and I will be your child's teacher this year.  I am so excited about meeting my new students.  You will have a FANTASTIC year in first grade at The Switlik Elementary School! 
    If you have not done so, please sign up for class dojo. This is our class code: RAMOAX 
    This is how I will communicate to you.


    Please note:  Please remember to bring a photo ID when planning to visit the school/classroom.


    Lunch time!!

      Lunch is only 30 minutes, so please keep that in mind when packing your child’s lunch. If your child prefers to purchase lunch, they will have access to a card that they will swipe to make lunch purchases. You may add money to your child's account through the portal. (Hover over the link below to read more)

    Procedures for ordering Breakfast and Lunch


    If you need to change your child's dismissal procedure for the day, you need to send a note with the date, stating how your child will be dismissed.  Please do not email me. If you forget to send a note, call the office and they will notify me. 

     Bucket Filling Initiative
    Switlik Elementary School is committed to creating a caring and respectful environment. We are using the world-acclaimed book by Carol McCloud, Have You Filled a Bucket Today- A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids, in order to create a safer, kinder, more respectful school culture.*** Each month a student will be chosen from every class to be the bucket filler of the month.  They will get their picture taken and posted on the school web page.


    Your child will need a backpack that will hold a 9 x 12 folder.  Please make sure your child’s name is on everything that comes to school.  (They tend to forget what they own)  ** Please have your child bring in a water bottle with their name on it.   Also, it will be beneficial if they have crayons, pencils, scissors, and glue at home for homework.   

     Class Wish List

    Wipes, Ziploc bags (gallon and quart size), black thin dry erase markers, 

     tissues, water bottles ( if your child forgets their water bottle), smarties candy:)


    If you need to change your child's dismissal procedure for the day, you need to send a note with the date, stating how your child will be dismissed.  Please do not email me. If you forget to send a note, call the office and they will notify me. 




    Time for Specials!





    Monday:  Computers (please charge your chromebook everyday)  

    Tuesday:   Art

    Wednesday:  Library

    Thursday:   Music

       Friday:  Gym (wear sneakers!)








      My email: klykes@jacksonsd.org