• If you need to get in contact with me, I can be reached at cwood@jacksonsd.org   

    Free-january-clip-art-clipart-clipartandscrap - Wayzata ...  


    My main general classroom communication is the REMIND text system, email (for both students and parents), and Google Classroom. I will continue to update this class page frequently with any new information that I need to share until I have those other forms of communication set up with your personal contact information.

    Text @3372927 to the number 81010



    Our 2024-2025 Special Schedule

    Monday: Music (Mr. Morgan) music                             

    Tuesday: Gym (Mr. Hamdi)  balls  

    Wednesday: Computers (Mr. A)  conpouter


    Thursday: Art (Ms. Kopf) art 

    Friday: Library (Ms. Palme) books

    cake Birthday Party Policy cake

    Birthdays will be celebrated at lunchtime in the cafeteria.  To be sensitive to allergy concerns, non-edible items (e.g. toys, stickers, pencils) are strongly encouraged for these celebrations so that all children can participate in the celebration.
    If you choose to send in a snack, consider a healthy snack. Ice-cream cakes and whole cakes cannot be accommodated by the food service staff.  You can deliver your item and/or treat to the receptionist or send it with the birthday child.  Visitors are not permitted in the cafeteria.  Birthday and/or party invitations are not handed out in school, under any circumstances.   However, parents are invited to join the class “party list” which will be distributed to parents that join the list.  Please contact your child’s teacher directly for this information.

    Make sure you bring your FULLY CHARGED laptop and your planner with you to school every day


    *It is VERY important to notify the main office and myself of a dismissal change for your child.  Please call the main office or send a note/email with your child's full name, the date, and teacher's name on your letter.*

    Image result for bus moving clipart

    The 2024-2025 Box Top collection is under way! Please help support our PTN  by sending in as many Box Tops as you can.  You can also download the Box Tops app and scan receipts containing "Box Top" items.boxtop

    I will be sending home Scholastic catalogs throughout the year. You can help us earn free books for our classroom! 

    Our class code is- H4LWD

    Image result for scholastic book club

    I encourage you to take advantage of the enVision Math web site. It will provide your child with activities and games to practice and enrich; there is a wealth of resources available.

    Students will use their district Google account credentials to log into Pearson EnVision Math.  You will NOT use a username or password to access your Math resources and class assignments.  

    Please find your login instructions below:

    1.  You MUST FIRST LOG INTO your district Google account (or Gmail)
      1. Your email is studentID@jacksonsd.org
      2. If this is your first time logging into Gmail, your password is welcome#jsd.  
    2. While still in your Gmail, go to the Apps button (waffle).
    3. Click “More” at the bottom.
    4. Click the “Easy Bridge” icon and you will be taken directly to Pearson.  Just click “Realize” in the lower right and you’re there!

    Donations of tissues, hand sanitizer, and Lysol Wipes are always greatly appreciated. 

    Please send in an official doctor's note for your student's absence to be excused.  Handwritten notes will not count.
