Welcome to the Switlik Elementary School

  • panther
    Dear Parents, Guardians and Community Members:

    On behalf of the Switlik Elementary School and the Jackson School District, I am happy to welcome you to our website.

    In Jackson, high academics, social and character education standards serve as the framework for board, district, and building objectives. Overall achievement test scores and report card grades reflect a high level of academic excellence and successes. In addition to the important "basics," we place an emphasis on developing written expression skills and offering our students learning opportunities based on their individual needs.

    We continue to improve student achievement at all grade levels and to close achievement gaps where they exist. We continually review our special education programs to ensure that every child's needs are met in accordance with their Individual Education Program (IEP) in the most cost-effective manner. The Common Core Curriculum Content Standards are actively addressed within the district through grade-level meetings, department meetings, and K-12 articulation within the district curriculum meetings. High district standards are continually reinforced through a wide variety of instructional methods and materials. Our school district provides our staff with numerous in-service programs and exceptional instructional and curricular resources.

    The professionals of the Switlik Elementary School share responsibility with all parents for the education of all children, it teaches tolerance for and the acceptance of individual differences. The general curriculum is enhanced through services provided by a guidance counselor, reading teacher, media and technology teachers and an enrichment teacher. Switlik Elementary School embraces inclusion of special education children and the idea of accelerating learning with the highest expectations for all students. There is a full child study team available, as well as speech, occupational and physical therapists and basic skills teachers. The Intervention and Referral Services Team works regularly with teachers to develop plans that ensure improved student successes.

    The Switlik Elementary School involves the community as an integral part of its educational program. An active Parent Teacher Network (PTN) joined with strong community involvement is paramount to our school's success. Switlik School is devoted to giving back to their community. Throughout the school year, students participate in service learning projects working closely with local food banks and charitable organization. Switlik Elementary School promotes a caring and respectful environment. Our school counselor provides character development for all students. Students are regularly recognized for showing positive character through the Bucket Filling way!

    The administration and staff of Switlik Elementary School are committed to the continued growth and development of our students. Please feel free to peruse this site to learn more about our school.