• Welcome to Third Grade!


    Welcome to Mrs. Hampe's Class!

    3rd grade is a fun year and we are going to learn so much together! 

    If you have any questions, do not hesitate to email me! thampe@jacksonsd.org

    Class Party Sign Ups

    Fall Party

    Winter Party

    Spring Party

    End of The Year Party


    I believe that a great parent-teacher relationship is necessary for a successful school year. My main general classroom communication is this class page and remind. I hope that you will visit it often to learn what is happening in our room. 

    In order to keep you all informed on everything going on this year, I ask that you please join my Remind group on your phone and/or email ASAP. It is easy to do and FREE to join! 

    Click on this link to sign up on Remind today! 

    I also ask that you please send me an email (thampe@jacksonsd.org) so I have the best email to reach you at! Please let me know who your child is and any other information you feel I should know about your child! 


    School Supplies:

    You do not need to get any supplies =]

    I will be providing each student with a three ring binder, Folder, Pencil Box with scissors, glue, crayons, & pencils.  

    * If your child would like, they may bring in their own folder or pencil box (please keep in mind we will need to write their name on it)

    Please do not send in markers, colored pencils, or pencil sharpeners

    Important Reminders

    Please send in a note if there will be a change in dismissal for your child. All dismissal notes are sent down to the office in the morning. It is IMPORTANT that you date these notes, include your child's full name, and my name.

     If your child is absent, please send in a note. If they are sick and see a doctor, please send in a doctors note to have it be excused.

    Thank you! 

    Special Schedule

    Monday: Art

    Tuesday: Library


    Thursday: Gym (must wear sneakers)

    Friday: Computers

    Lunch: 11:55-12:25


    Below is a list of items that are needed for the classroom throughout the year. 

    Donations are greatly appreciated!


    -Clorox Wipes

    -Paper Towels

    -Baby Wipes

    - Hand Sanitizer

    -Small Ziplock Bags

    -Large Ziplock Bags


    Chromebook Information 


    All students need to charge their chromebooks nightly & bring it to school with them everyday. We do not have time or space to charge their chromebooks in school.

    If you need any assistance with technology/Chromebook, please click here to bring you to the district tech. forms page.  

    bucket filler

    Remember to be Bucket Fillers, not Bucket Dippers!
    Bucket Filling Initiative
    Switlik Elementary School is working towards a more caring and respectful environment. We are using the world acclaimed book by Carol McCloud, Have You Filled a Bucket Today- A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids in order to create a safer, kinder, more respectful school culture.