- Switlik Elementary School
- Welcome
Bonino, Karen
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Updated December 2024
****Please sign up
for our class Remind App ASAP
Room 11
Upcoming Dates:
December 4 : Holiday shop
December 9: shortened day for students
December 20: shortened day
December 23 - January 1: winter break ! Happy Holidays!
Return to school Thursday January 2, 2025
- Supplies Needed: Headphones
- Folder
Charged Chromebook every day
Most school supplies will be supplied by me.
No binders please.
Please DO NOT bring in pencil boxes, large boxes of crayons, markers etc. We do not have space in our desks for those items. You will be given a pencil box and crayons.
Preferred pencils : #2 Wooden pencils are best for the pencil sharpener. Paper-coated pencils jam the sharpener.
Please Do not send in any glue, scissors, colored pencils or markers etc. These items will be supplied by me.
Please come to school prepared every day, with your Chromebook charged and ready to work. We do not have the ability to charge your device in class so PLEASE do this each night so that it is ready for the next day .
Boxes of tissues are always welcome. Thank you for donating.
If you are bringing a water bottle, please make sure you are able to identify your bottle. If it is a plastic (Poland Spring type) bottle, please write your initials on the cap. All water will be stored in our water bottle holder. Please no juice, or sports drinks. Water only. We DO NOT keep our water at our desk.
Please sign up for REMIND. I use REMIND to send quick announcements and reminders during the year. I will also use email. Please make sure your email is up to date on Genesis. I will be sending out an email to confirm I have the correct address.
TEXT @mrsbonino to 81010
Upcoming Events_______
Our Daily Specials Schedule
Monday : Computers ( don't forget your charged chromebook!)
Tuesday: Art
Wednesday: Library
Thursday: Music
Friday: Gym - don't forget sneakers!
STUDENTS: Please join our Google classroom by accepting the invitation in your email or by following this link: https://classroom.google.com/c/NTM4NjQ1NjA3MzA5?cjc=3i2ehrn
To contact me:
Contact information: kbonino@jacksonsd.org
*Please send in a note with your child if there are any changes to dismissal.*, Please use your child's full name as these notes are sent to the office. If your child will be picked up early for any reason, please send a note using their full name. These notes are given to the receptionists. PLEASE send in seperate notes for siblings in different classes so that each teacher is aware of the change in plans.
Please label everything that comes in, including water bottles. And don't forget sweatshirts/jackets as the weather will start to get cooler! This can be as easy as pinning a ribbon or piece of fabric inside the clothing, so you DO NOT have to write on it.
- The students are also encouraged to bring in a water bottle each day.
- Our room gets pretty chilly at times,so I recommend the students bring a sweatshirt or sweater to keep in their backpack, especially at the start of the year when it is much warmer outside than in our classroom!
- If your child will be purchasing lunch, please help them to memorize their ID number . This will help in the cafeteria.
Scholastic book order forms will be sent home monthly. This is a great way to get your child excited about reading. Scholastic offers a great selection of books that start at $1. If you are able to order online, you can do so, and use our class code, below.
Connect and Shop Our Class Page: https://orders.scholastic.com/JCYTLPlease feel free to forward the Class Page link to extended family and friends who may want to support your child’s reading.
Scholastic Class Code: JCYTL
to order books from Scholastic.com book clubsMath Login directions
Directions to login to math site:
Mrs. Bonino's 2nd grade picture . Can you find me??
Directions to get onto Envision Math
Student accounts are actually already active for Pearson Math. Students may sign into Google Mail using this process. If you do not know the student id# for your child, please e-mail me or Mr. Autenrieth @ rpautenrieth@jacksonsd.org
Google Username is - studentid#@jacksonsd.org
Google Password is - initials and student id (no caps or spaces).
Once signed in, go to Google Apps (top right) and click, then scroll down until you see the Easy Bridge app. Click there - and then select Pearson Realize! Now you will have access to your current 2nd grade Pearson interactive math book!
DIRECTIONS TO ATTACH WORK INTO GOOGLE CLASSROOM https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_S4s1ub5hmiZ093RWICy6L0pWZFyF9xB/v
Various Rescources for you to explore:
scholastic learn at home freebies: www.scholastic.com/learnathome
EPIC- https://www.getepic.com/students
Many companies have kindly offered free subscriptions to their programs and one of them is EPIC, which is an online library that provides us access to over 35,000 eBooks, Learning Videos, Quizzes, and more for K-5 students. This is awesome for our students to provide access to new books on their grade level (since I'm sure we're already in need of some new books to read)! See the picture below for instructions for logging in on a laptop/chromebook or on a smartphone (Android/iOS).
Our class code is pus3786
Students can log into student.freckle.com. Freckle will notify me as to who logged in and of student's progress.
Class code:
Raz-Kids and Headsprout- https://www.learninga-z.com/site/lp2/covid19?fbclid=IwAR19zDV2foWC6U2PTc_kge55uHLsXBXQ9B-McQ5rR_3Cp53RVmh4zg4F5T8
- Raz-Kids and Headsprout are offering the chance to create free parent accounts.
- Click on the link above. Then scroll down to the bottom to where it says Raz-Kids or Headsprout and click "Start Subscription."
- For the question "Are you signing up for a classroom or home?" click "family or home." Then click "new customer."
- Fill in your name, zip code, email, occupation and the rest of the information it asks for, then create a username.
- An email will be sent asking you to confirm your account and then it should bring you to the Raz-Kids home screen.
- If you click Resources, you can explore leveled books or series, and there is also an assessment section as well. The process is the same for Headsprout.
Xtra Math- Fast Facts Practice for Addition and Subtraction
Jenkinson's live action Penguin cam
Google lets you explore National Parks. Take a virtual tour:
Free Sites
Wonderopolis: Every day this site shares a new wonder, submitted by kids, and the answer, in an article with a video.
National Geographic Kids: Games, articles, and videos about animals and nature.
Mystery Doug: Video science lessons and activities
Typing Club: Use your time at home to learn keyboarding skills!
Scholastic Learn at Home: Daily learning projects from Scholastic, geared for different grade levels
Explore Animal Webcams: Observe animals live on webcams from around the world
Virtual Museum Tours: Take a free virtual museum tour of a famous place, like the British Museum in London
Hour of Code: Learn coding skills with an hour of code activity.
Design Squad Global: Watch PBS Design Squad videos, to learn about science and engineering challenges
Khan Academy: Free online video lessons in math and other subjects
Crash Course Kids: Elementary school science videos
Family Activity Ideas
Indoor Activities for Kids Stuck at Home: Buzzfeed lists 27 fun activities for kids home from school
70 Educational Activities: A former homeschooler shares 70 educational activities you can do when you're stuck indoors.
Podcasts: Listen to a podcast together. Common Sense Media curated this list of best podcasts for kids.
Cosmic Kids Yoga: Stay active as you practice yoga together.
Distance Reading Book Bingo: Read together and complete this bingo board!
scholastic learn at home freebies: www.scholastic.com/learnathome
EPIC- https://www.getepic.com/students
Many companies have kindly offered free subscriptions to their programs and one of them is EPIC, which is an online library that provides us access to over 35,000 eBooks, Learning Videos, Quizzes, and more for K-5 students. This is awesome for our students to provide access to new books on their grade level (since I'm sure we're already in need of some new books to read)! See the picture below for instructions for logging in on a laptop/chromebook or on a smartphone (Android/iOS).
Our class code is pus3786
Students can log into student.freckle.com. Freckle will notify me as to who logged in and of student's progress.
Class code:
Raz-Kids and Headsprout- https://www.learninga-z.com/site/lp2/covid19?fbclid=IwAR19zDV2foWC6U2PTc_kge55uHLsXBXQ9B-McQ5rR_3Cp53RVmh4zg4F5T8
- Raz-Kids and Headsprout are offering the chance to create free parent accounts.
- Click on the link above. Then scroll down to the bottom to where it says Raz-Kids or Headsprout and click "Start Subscription."
- For the question "Are you signing up for a classroom or home?" click "family or home." Then click "new customer."
- Fill in your name, zip code, email, occupation and the rest of the information it asks for, then create a username.
- An email will be sent asking you to confirm your account and then it should bring you to the Raz-Kids home screen.
- If you click Resources, you can explore leveled books or series, and there is also an assessment section as well. The process is the same for Headsprout.
Xtra Math- Fast Facts Practice for Addition and Subtraction
Recommeneded Online Learning Sites:
scholastic learn at home freebies: www.scholastic.com/learnathome
Pearson Login Information {to access our Math book, please do the following:
Log into Google Mail
Google E-mail is student id#@jacksonsd.org
Password is intitials and student id# (no caps or spaces)
Once in, go to Google Apps on Top Right, and scroll down until you see "Easy Bridge" - click on that, and select Pearson Realize.
If you don't know your childs id#, please contact myself or rpautenrieth@jacksonsd.org
*You will not need this information for online learning assignments but is available to you if you would like to go back to some of our learning videos to review something you might need some work on. Take advantage of this time to review, review, review!
To access the Online Learning assignments, please go to the school webpage. You will be further directed to your child's grade level assignments.
Please help your child MEMORIZE their fast facts
0-10, both plus and minus. It is important that they recall these facts quickly and acurately. Our goal for the end of the year is between 30-40 facts in one minute!
Thank you for your continued help.
Scholastic book order: COMING SOON.....
Online class code JCYTL. Ordering online allows you to be able to order from the entire Scholastic site. You are not limited to the flier. I will be notified that your order was placed. Our class earns points to purchase more books for our classroom library with each order you place!
Fun Math site: Freckle.com (teacher code boninm)
A great way to practice fluency while having fun. The students have the login info in their planner.
There are many online sites to help your child memorize their math facts in a fun and exciting way.
You are able to acess the math series online, as well as view the video to help you better understand the lesson. ALSO, the 3 math pages that are sent home nightly give you a complete step by step guide to how to complete the problems. If your child accidently leaves their math work at school, you may print it out at home.
Please practice addition and subtraction facts with flash cards. Five minutes nightly makes a world of difference!!
Having a set of flash cards (both addition and subtraction) at home will help your child to become successful in math. These can be either homemade (index cards are perfect) or store bought (available at most Dollar Stores). Reviewing math facts for five minutes each night will greatly help them become successful learners.
I look forward to a wonderful year.
WE are a TEAM!
Together Each Achieve More
I can be reached via email at kbonino@jacksonsd.org.
- Supplies Needed: Headphones