2024-2025 Remind

    Remind PDF directions

    YOU are FINALLY the big fish in a little pond. 5th grade has a lot to offer. There are many privileges for being the best role models you can be for all the underclassmen.

    Please come to class with your student ids, a water bottle, snack, charged chromebook, a pencil, and a novel you're currently reading.  

    Please click the link below to enter the parent portal. This is where you can check your child's attendance and report cards during each trimester. 

    Parent Portal


    IXL Login Page


    I can be reached via email at klevine@jacksonsd.org. However, please be respectful in allowing me ample time to respond. Instructional time does not allow for response to emails.  

    see you in class

    Please come to class prepared with a couple of sharpened pencils and erasers. Some suggested materials are as follows:   a 2 pocket folder (to bring home important papers, homework, graded assignments, and any information necessary to be sent home) and a composition notebook, a zippered soft pencil case (that will fit in the desk), a highlighter, sharpened pencils, pen, post-its, a 1 gallon ziplock bags- WHICH WILL HOLD THE NOVEL YOU'RE READING, and 1-2 back up books (meaning books you're interested in reading). If you're unable to gather these materials please let me know and I will be happy to assist.**** Parent/Guardians please check their folder and planner every night and send them back with it for the next day. The students are required to write their homework in their planner everyday. I will not be checking the planners daily unless your child has a note written in it, in which they should show me first thing in the morning. This will help to foster independence for middle school.

    **Your child's planner or contact via email (klevine@jacksonsd.org) can also be used as a way to reach me and make sure we are doing our very best to work as a team to help your child reach their fullest potential.**

    **If there is a change to your child's dismissal plan please be sure to send in a note or call the main office (732-833-4650) as I could be absent, or I may not get to see the email until the end of the day.**

    Homework: Please show your child that their homework is extremely important. Make it a priority; provide necessary supplies and a quiet work environment. It is a valuable aid in helping students to reinforce what is learned in the classroom and make the most of their learning experience. Set aside a daily time and provide praise and support. If I can offer any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

    Classroom supplies are always appreciated, such as tissues, baby wipes, sanitizing wipes, hand sanitizer, pencils/erasers, paper towels, and mini water bottles.


    ** If you have a nut allergy you must bring in a note from a parent on the first day of school stating you do not have to sit at the nut free lunch table.**



    Birthday Party Policy

    Birthdays will be celebrated at lunchtime in the cafeteria.  To be sensitive to allergy concerns, non-edible items (e.g. toys, stickers, pencils) are strongly encouraged for these celebrations so that all children can participate in the celebration.
    If you choose to send in a snack, consider a healthy snack. Also please note that all items sent must be in individually wrapped, pre-packaged portions so that the child can easily distribute to classmates. Ice-cream cakes and whole cakes cannot be accommodated by the food service staff.  You can deliver your item and/or treat to the receptionist or send it with the birthday child.  Visitors are not permitted in the cafeteria.  Birthday and/or party invitations are not handed out in school, under any circumstances.
    Chromebooks have been provided to each student for use at home and in school for the 2023-2024 school year. Please remember to bring your chromebooks to school each day and charge every night so they are accessible for learning. Please review chromebooks protocol and expectations below:

    The District Tech Tool Kit and Student/Parent Tutorials are available to help you with some common tech problems and document questions.

    Need further assistance with technology at home? Click the link to the right. Parent/Student Technology Assistant Request


    Check out our new morning announcements on Switlik Elementary TV! Many of our classmates and 5th grade students have been working diligently to bring us important information and news of events daily! 


    "Life is either a daring adventure or nothing." -Helen Keller

    **Important Notes**

    Please label everything that comes in, including water bottles. And don't forget sweatshirts/jackets as the weather will start to get cooler!  This can be as easy as pinning a ribbon or piece of fabric inside the clothing, so you DO NOT have to write on it. 

    • Our room gets chilly, so I recommend students bring a sweatshirt to keep in their backpack.


    Bucket Filler

    BE A BUCKET FILLER, NOT A BUCKET DIPPER!!!!  Have you been a bucket filler today? You can be a bucket filler in many different ways... By trying your best in school, giving respect to all your peers and adults, helping someone in need, and treating others the way you want to be treated.




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