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April 2020
At Switlik, T.E.A.M. means, “Together Everyone Achieves More.”
~circa 2013
Dear Switlik Families,
I want to thank all of our teachers, students, and parents for your continuous hard work and teamwork during the past few months… It has made this unique school year easier with your partnership and support!
It’s finally Spring! The nights seem longer, the flowers are beginning to bloom, the grass is growing, and the warm weather is starting to linger. I hope this allows you the opportunity to enjoy some outside time and sunshine with your families.
Report Cards: Report cards for the second marking period will be posted on the portal on April 12, 2021. Please be sure to log on to see your child’s progress.
Classroom Placements for 2021-2022: At this time of year, many parents call or write to the school regarding their child’s class placement for next year. Class placement is a complex process that involves the input of many educational professionals and considers many factors. The ultimate goal of the placement process is to find the best possible match between what is best for the student and what the strengths of each teacher are. I realize and appreciate your concern, but I will not honor parent requests for particular teachers. I do, however value your input and individual concerns for your child. I will accept one non-request. I will consider any concern or input that you have to offer, if you provide your concern via e-mail to me at kmckiernan@jacksonsd.org before May 3rd . In conclusion, your input as a parent will be considered if you send it to me in writing, before Monday, May 3, 2021. This will allow the educational professionals sufficient time to find the most appropriate match for your child.
Daily Health Screening: We have been successful in receiving a Daily COVID Screening from a majority of our parents. Please continue to complete your child’s Daily Health Screening. For those that require a reminder, place a post it note by the coffee pot, refrigerator or set the alarm on your cell phone. We cannot stress enough the importance of parents filling out this form on the Parent Portal each morning that their child attends school in person. It must be filled out 30 minutes prior to your child’s arrival at school. Completing the Daily Health Screening will eliminate your child visiting the nurse’s office in the morning.
- Please read the questions carefully!
- The first question is asking if your child has been FEVER-FREE for 24 hours without the help of fever-reducing medication. So the answer to this question if your child is healthy is YES.
- If you answer incorrectly, when your child gets sent to the nurse and we call you, we can reset the form for you to answer it correctly.
Parent Pick Up via Carline Dismissal:
Switlik has an average of over 90 families picking up their children each day. We thank you for your flexibility and patience as we adjusted our pick up procedures
Designated Pick Up Area- There will be two car lines (1. K-2 & 2. 3-5)for parent pick up at the end of the day
- Families with students in K-2 and 3-5 will follow signs for the carline for K-2.
- Additional security will be on hand for the increase in the Carline dismissal
- Teachers on duty will be outside greeting each car
- Children will be dismissed to their parent/guardian via rolling car line.
- ID will be checked Duty Teacher to initial on parents’ behalf.
- Child will be called to come out via walkie talkie communication to Gym (Holding Area)
- Students must wear face coverings at all times.
- Face coverings required of all parents in cars while waiting for students.
- Students should try to practice social distancing when exiting the building
To assist us, PLEASE
- Continue to have your Photo ID visible for staff
- Have your last name sign visible to staff on the right side of your dashboard
All parents/guardians are required to wear a mask in the car when picking up their child.
NJSLA (State Standardized Testing): Please see the projected NJSLA Math, Literacy, and Science assessments for the 2020-2021 school year:
Grade 3
Language Arts: May 10, 11
Math: May: 13, 14
Grade 4
Language Arts: May: 10, 11
Math: May: 13, 14
Grade 5
Language Arts: May: 10, 11
Math: May: 13, 14
Science: May: 19, 20
Language Arts: May, 12
Math: May, 17
PTN News:
The next virtual meeting will be on April 28th at 7:00pm. All are welcome to attend. The PTN will be discussing upcoming events for the remainder of the year.
Monthly PTN Meetings:
Apr 28, 2021 07:00 PM
May 26, 2021 07:00 PM
Please download and import the following iCalendar (.ics) files to your calendar system.
Monthly: https://zoom.us/meeting/tJEsdOCgrT4oEtWKL5qOwRJZgYvu0hnzkzaB/ics?icsToken=98tyKuCtrzgjEteQshGGRowMBYjCXfzztiVBj7dqtzOwEg9EUCnMMdtUJ-J3HsLb
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 951 3983 5281
Passcode: UV6YkS
join: https://zoom.us/j/97594456943?pwd=TVRjK2g1T0VmandZTzY2QUthZGdzZz09 / Passcode: Wf4FkR
Please join the PTN at our next meeting (4/28/21) at 7:00 p.m. for a meeting on Zoom to discuss current fundraising events and upcoming elections in May. We will need your participation now more than ever to rebuild our PTN Executive Board. You do not need to have any experience in volunteering, you do not have to commit to daytime activities, you only need to care about helping our Switlik students. We need parents who can volunteer to help us raise money for the 2021-2022 school year. If you cannot make this Zoom meeting, please email Samantha Marley: ptn.switlik@gmail.com, if you are interested in joining the PTN Board.
Please see our linked SignUp Genius for volunteer information for the upcoming school year 2021-2022. Our events are only tentative ideas and will not be finalized until we have a new board in place. We need your help!
Book Fair:
Attention Switlik families, the PTN will be hosting an in-person Scholastic book fair from April 26 - May 7th. We will be sending flyers home after spring break. Please look out for information from your teachers with shopping times, we will have afternoon and evening hours for our remote families. The PTN will also be collecting coins for the "All For Books" fund. Your spare change can help put books in the hands of the Switlik students. More information will be sent home the week of 4/12/21.
Please note that school will be closed April 2nd through April 9th, returning on Monday, April 12th. Best wishes for a very relaxing, well-deserved & restful Spring Break. Enjoy time with family, friends, & being outside!
Kathleen McKiernan