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Back to School Nights
September 17, 2021
Dear Switlik Parents/ Guardians,
The teachers of Switlik Elementary and I cordially invite you to our “Back to School Night” on Tuesday, September 28, 2021, from 7:00 – 7:55 p.m. , Thursday, September 30, 2021, from 7:00 – 7:55 p.m. and Tuesday, October 2, 2021 (please see schedules below). Please enter the building through our Gym Vestibule located in the back of the building (the parent drop-off/pick-up area). On these evenings, you will have an opportunity to meet your child’s teachers, visit our classrooms, and learn about our programs. Please note that this is an evening for parents only. In order to promote safe social distancing, it is recommended that only one parent attend Back to School Night. For any parents who are not attending in person, all teachers will be posting their information and videos on the evening of the Back to School Night. Also, please remember that according to the Governor's executive order, all visitors in schools need to wear a mask. In an attempt to accommodate families with more than one child, we have developed the following schedule:
Tuesday, September 28, 2021 (Grades Pre-K, Kindergarten, First)
7:00-7:25 PM Grade Pre-K, Kindergarten, First parents may visit their child’s classroom.
7:30-7:55 PM Grade Pre-K, Kindergarten, First parents of multiple students may visit their child’s classroom.
Thursday, September 30, 2021 (Grades Second, Third)
7:00-7:25 PM Grade Second and Third parents may visit their child’s classroom.
7:30-7:55 PM Grade Second and Third parents of multiple students may visit their child’s classroom.
Tuesday, October 5, 2021 (Grades Four and Five)
7:00-7:25 PM Grade Four and Five parents may visit their child’s classroom.
7:30-7:55 PM Grade Four and Five parents of multiple students may visit their child’s classroom.
Some of our special subject teachers and other staff members will also be in attendance during these times. I encourage you to introduce yourselves to these important members of our faculty.
Please remember that this is not an evening for individual conferences, but instead an opportunity to learn about the curriculum and the activities occurring in your child’s classroom. If you would like to speak individually with a teacher, do not hesitate to contact him/her directly. Once again, please note that this is an evening for parents only. Please help us by making arrangements for child care so that we are better able to accommodate the seating of all parents.
I look forward to seeing you at our Back to School Night.
Kathleen McKiernan
Principal, Switlik Elementary School