- Switlik Elementary School
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October Principal's Message
Dear Switlik Families,
Thank you for a great start to the school year. Our Back to School Nights were successful and your in person attendance was exceptional. Your child knowing you value their education is a key factor in their early school success.
October is upon us! Over the next several weeks, our students will observe Week of Respect (10/3-7), Safe Schools Week (10/21-24) and Red Ribbon Week (10/24-28)
Picture Day: Is fast approaching on Friday, October 21st.
As the parent-teacher conference days approach in November, I hope that you will have the opportunity to meet with your child’s teacher regarding their academic and behavioral progress so far this school year. Conferences are an important component to ensure that the school and the home work together to maximize your child’s full potential. Parent-teacher conferences will take place on November 15, 16 and 17.
Switlik PTN
Clothing Drive Fundraiser: Due to the projected weather forecast for this weekend, we rescheduled our Clothing Drive Fundraiser to next Saturday, October 8, 9am - 2 pm in the Switlik School Parking Lot.
Book Fair: It’s coming and we need lots of help. October 6 - 14, with 1 hour sign up times, hopefully you can fit in an hour or 2 to help out. Sign up at
PTN Membership: We are having a PTN Membership Contest! First class with 100% membership wins a pizza & ice cream party. All other classes with 100% membership win an ice cream party! Join online at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfx0TYw_S19vMWBUX18RvMJ9SzCUSfuyaiejSqpu1mo7XmvzA/viewform
Save Around Coupon Book Sale: The sale ends today, 9/30/22. All orders, payments and unsold books are now due. Books cost $25 and include an app with all the coupons, so you don’t have to carry the book with you! The top 3 selling classes win an ice cream party! You can also pay online at www.SAPayNow.com/267038. Books were distributed to all Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd grade classes. If you’re not buying the book, you MUST return the book now. All Pre-K, 3rd, 4th & 5th grade classes were given a paper order form. Click here to “flip” through our Jersey Shore Book Edition https://issuu.com/savearound/docs/jersey_shore_nj?e=18348958/14767869
Please help us by returning your payment or book now!
Cicconi Farms: Now through 10/31/22, present the flyer at this link https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=533754878631122&set=a.482348133771797
at the register and Cicconi Farms will donate 10% of your purchase to Switlik. They have mums, pumpkins, gourds, cornstalks, haystacks, fall perennials and much, much more.
Spirit Wear Sale: Our online sale is ending 10/7/22. Place your order at https://www.dependabiliteesnj.com and it will be delivered free to your child at school.
Clusters Popcorn Sale: All orders and payments are due by 10/7/22. Popcorn must be picked up 10/21/22 at the Switlik Gym from 6:00pm - 7:30pm. Paper order forms were sent home with every student, or print one out at https://drive.google.com/file/d/108ozb20wUEzzuk20VwdEDDv7hEQLcWk0/view
CHROMEBOOK CASES - Order your student a Switlik logo chromebook case for $15 each. Have it personalized for an additional $5. Order online at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScGM7M-AVjoJqAIlwULSKXERfWaH3_G-dDQU9iLMn3ld5hvoA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
Birthday Grams! Send a special birthday gram to your Switlik student on their birthday right to their classroom!! We have 2 options: $5 for cotton candy or $5 for a bookmark, a pencil and birthday eraser combo! You can choose one or both to send online at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeok1LsLg5mQ9anMnQOCx6qKv1YJATQqii7mQs5hQLXL3KuNw/viewform Order must be placed at least a week before the student’s birthday.
Birthday Signs! Have The PTN put a Birthday Sign on your front lawn the day before your child's birthday!! Place your order online at https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScHCWMUhYTw0A1ELAqizkRAnOaM3Y98kd5sP3a4e6X-do24qg/viewform
Order must be placed at least 2 weeks before the date and we will take care of the rest! Payment is due when you fill out the form!
Additional Date(s) to Remember in October and Looking Forward:
Wednesday, October 5th – School Closed
Monday, October 10th – School Closed for Students – In-Service Day
Wednesday, October 19th – Board of Education Meeting/6:30 p.m. – Jackson Memorial High School
November 10-11 – School Closed – Teacher’s Convention
November 23rd – Shortened Day
November 24-25 – School Closed - Thanksgiving
Dr. Michael Raymond
Principal, Switlik Elementary School