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March Principal's Message
Hello Switlik Families,
Happy March to everyone! I want to take the opportunity to thank the PTN for organizing the Snowball Dance last Friday. We had a capacity crowd and everyone had a great time. We also held our kick off to Read Across America Week Pep Rally. The students were excited to be part of a team with a common goal of reading!!! If the students read enough minutes, Mr. Saulnier and I will end up as human ice cream sundaes.
Read Across America Week is off to a great start! Students and staff are really “in the game” and showing their school spirit this week. It’s been fun watching our students come in with their “reading hats” and sports jerseys thus far this week. Please see below for the remainder of our School Spirit Week Celebration Days:
- Wednesday, March 1st: Find your teammate to help you score your reading goal! Dress like your friend or friends!
- Thursday, March 2nd - PTN Spirit Day - Dress like your favorite Dr. Seuss Character!
- Friday, March 3rd - Dreaming of a Championship! Wear your favorite pajamas and bring your favorite book to school!
Report Cards: As the second marking period nears an end on March 16th, please be sure you are ready to access your child’s report card on the district portal website. Report cards will be available on the portal for parents on March 30th.
Dates to Remember:
March 2nd: Read Across America Family Night/5:45 p.m.
March 6th: Wizards vs. Switlik Staff Basketball Game/doors open at 6:00 pm - Game at 7:00pm
March 10th: School Spirit Day - Mario Day - Dress up as Mario!
March 13th: Shortened Day for Students - 1:35 p.m. dismissal
March 17th: School Spirit Day - St. Patrick’s Day - Dress like a leprechaun or wear green!
March 30th: Reports Cards Available on Portal for Parents
Thank you,
Dr. Raymond