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April Principal Message
Dear Switlik Families,
Good Afternoon,
I am sure everyone is enjoying the longer days and awaiting the warmer weather. As we transition into spring weather and get closer to the start of summer, children begin to get restless. It is important that students continue to work hard on their academics and continue to behave appropriately in school. We have lots of great activities coming up for them to enjoy!
Therapy Dogs
We are very excited to be partnered with The Bright & Beautiful Therapy Dogs, Inc. You were all sent home information regarding this amazing program that brings therapy dogs into our school to meet with each of your children. We have already begun our visits and they are going great. The children love meeting and reading to the dogs. This has been a very positive experience and we are excited to continue this program throughout the year.
Lost and Found
Our lost and found is overflowing with student clothing collected throughout the school year. We currently have it on display in the hallway by the main office. Please encourage your child(ren) to look it over if you are missing any clothing items. All unclaimed items will be donated at the clothing drive fundraiser on Saturday May 11th.
Kindergarten Registration
If you have a child turning 5 years of age by October 1, 2024, and you have not yet registered them for kindergarten for the 2024-2025 school year, please contact the Registration Office at 732-415-7004 to schedule an appointment as soon as possible. It is incredibly important that parents register as early as possible so we can plan ahead for the next school year. If your child will be eligible for kindergarten in September and is currently enrolled in preschool at Switlik, please contact the main office to see what is required for your child for kindergarten enrollment.
Student Placement
At this time of year, many parents call or write to the school regarding their child’s class placement for next year. The ultimate goal of the placement process is to find the best possible match between what is best for the student and what the strengths of each teacher are. Class placement is a complex process that involves the input of many educational professionals and considers many factors. I realize and appreciate your concern, but I will not honor parent requests for particular teachers. I do, however, value your input and individual concerns for your child. I will consider any concern or input that you have to offer, if you provide your concern in writing to me before Friday, May 3, 2024.
Please let me explain some of the factors we need to consider in the placement process. In making class placements, some variables carry more weight because of requirements due to special needs and State statutes. It takes approximately six weeks to organize classes based on many factors. Some placement factors are: student emotional needs, academic needs, social needs, occupational and physical therapy scheduling, classroom structure, class/grade population, resource instruction, interaction with peers, speech instruction scheduling, special education inclusion scheduling, child study team placements, balance between boys and girls, medical needs, neighborhood conflicts, former teachers of siblings, remedial reading instruction scheduling, access to special programs, present teacher’s input, and administrative input.
In conclusion, your input as a parent will be considered if you send it to me, in writing, before Friday, May 3, 2024. This will allow the educational professionals sufficient time to find the most appropriate match for your child. As always, I appreciate your understanding and support in this matter.
If you are moving during the summer and will be transferring your child(ren), please contact the registration office at 732-415-7004 Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00AM and 4:00PM. If you are moving within the Jackson School District, you will need to sign an Internal Transfer Form and provide proof of your new residency before your child’s records can be transferred. If you are moving out of the Jackson School District, you will need to sign a Student Transfer Verification Form. A transfer card and a copy of your child(ren)’s health records(s) will be provided to register at the new school. The following information is needed to complete the transfer card: new home address, new school name, and the new school address.
Dates to Remember:
May 1st: Spring Portraits
May 3rd.: School Spirit Day - May the 4th Be With You: Wear Star Wars Gear
May 6th: Shortened Day for Students (dismissal at 1:35)
May 7th-8th: Grades 3-5 NJSLA English Testing
May 7th.: Blue Claws Game
May 10th: PTN Mother’s Day Plant Sale for Students
May 14th-16th: Grades 3-5 NJSLA Math Testing
May 21st.-22nd.: Grade 5 NJSLA Science Testing
May 23rd: Grade 5 Orientation for Students - Goetz Middle School
May 23th: Kindergarten Patriotic Show
May 24th: Shortened Day (dismissal at 1:35) - USA Day (Wear Red, White & Blue)
May 27th: School Closed - Memorial Day
Game Days:
May 20th: Kindergarten Game Day
May 21st: Grade 1 Game Day
May 22nd: Grade 2 Game Day
May 23rd: Grade 3 Game Day
May 28th.: Grade 4 Game Day
May 29th.: Grade 5 Game Day
Dr. Michael Raymond