• If you have any questions or concerns throughout the year, please do not hesitate to contact me at mlowry@jacksonsd.org and I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible. I am looking forward to having a great year!

  • What to Bring to Class

    school supplies

    Please bring your charged Chromebook with you to class every day, as well as your take home folder, planner, and a pencil. You may also bring a water bottle to keep by your desk and a book you are reading.

    Classroom supplies such as tissues, santizing wipes, hand sanitizer, and pencils/erasers are always appreciated.


     Students will be responsible for writing their homework down in their planner daily.

    Please show your child that their homework is extremely important. Make it a priority; provide necessary supplies and a quiet work environment. It is a valuable aid in helping students to reinforce what is learned in the classroom and make the most of their learning experience. Set aside a daily time and provide support. If I can offer any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me.

  • Chromebooks


    Chromebooks have been provided to each student for use at home and in school for the duration of the 2021-2022 school year. Please remember to bring your Chromebooks to school each day and to charge them every night so they are accessible for learning.

    Google Classroom

    This year, our class will be using Google Classroom to access assignments, complete activities, reference homework and testing dates, view scores, and view materials for class. All students will be sent a Google Classroom invitation through their student emails. Please make sure students are accepting the invitation so they can have access to our page. If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at mlowry@jacksonsd.org

  • Allergies

    Please make the school aware of any allergies your student may have.


    Please note that our classroom is a nut-free classroom. Please do not send any tree nut or peanut containing products to school each day. We are asking you assistance in providing these students a safe learning environment. Thank you for your cooperation!

    If your student has a nut allergy, you must send them to school with a note from a parent stating that they do not have to sit at the nut-free lunch table.


    Students will be having lunch in school. They can choose between a free hot/cold lunch that will be provided by the school or bring a bagged lunch from home.


    If your student has a dismissal change, please send them in with a note in the morning regarding that change. The note should also include the date, the student's name, and my name.