• 1977 – 1978 GIRLS’ BOWLING TEAM



    The 1977-1978 Girls’ Varsity Bowling team had a brilliant season, capturing their second NJSIAA Championship in four years.  The team also won their Shore conference Division race, and the Shore Conference Tournament title.  This was the third consecutive year that the Lady Jags won this title.  They also won the State Sectional Championship.  Their conference record was twenty-five wins and eight losses.

    On an individual basis all the team members maintained at least a 150 average for the season, which contributed greatly to their consistency.  Maureen McCormick won the high average medal for the season with an average of 165.  She had an outstanding finish to the season by breaking a NJSIAA record with three games of at least 200 or more, and a high series of 644.  Kathy Sargent had the second highest series in the State Sectionals with a score of 519 and Linda Barrette contributed with a 524 series at the State Tournament.  The teams pin total for the state tournament was 2642.

    Other team members who rolled in every game during the season were Diane Irons and Sue McCarthy.  Team alternates were Renee Klein and Donna Buys.  Coach Patricia Brook was inducted in 2001.