- Switlik Elementary School
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Welcome Back to School!
Dear Switlik Families,
Welcome back to Switlik Elementary School for the 2021- 2022 school year! Thank you to all of our teachers and staff for their dedication in preparing their classrooms and planning engaging instructional lessons. Thank you to the secretaries who have answered the concerns of parents, organized incoming materials, and prepared items for the first day of school. A big thank you to all of our custodial staff for cleaning and preparing the building to make it look fabulous for the return of our staff and students. Thanks to all of the Parent-Teacher Network as they plan all of the events for this 2021-2022 school year.
It is an honor to be the proud Principal of the Switlik Elementary School. We will do whatever it takes to ensure our students, staff members’ and communities’ health and safety during this upcoming school year. If you have any questions or if we can help ease any anxiety that you may be feeling about the return to school, please feel free to call us at (732) 833-4650. Don’t forget to check the District web page, the Switlik School website, and the District calendar for more information.
I strongly encourage you to read through the Jackson School District’s presentation, 2021-2022 Back-to-School Plans, and Procedures, to become familiar with the information and regulations regarding our Safe Return Plan.
- First day back for students will be on Thursday, September 9th
- Elementary Teacher Assignments will be posted on Monday, Aug. 23, 2021, at 9 a.m.
Middle School and High School Schedules will be posted on Wednesday, Aug. 25, 2021, at 9 a.m. - Bus Passes for All Students will be posted on Wednesday, September 1, 2021, at 9 a.m.
NOTE: Our Elementary Schools will show only TEACHER ASSIGNMENTS, not full schedules. Teachers will go over the daily schedules with students. That information is also typically available on the teacher's class page on the school website AND will be detailed during Back to School Nights.
If you cannot print your bus pass at home, you can come into the Administration Building at 151 Don Connor Blvd. on the dates below and we can print one for you. We will have a tent in the lot on the left side of the Administration Building so we can safely assist our families. It would be helpful if visitors parked in the Jackson Memorial High School student lot, which is adjacent to our Admin parking lot.
- Please remember to wear a face covering.
- Please park on the side of the building (you can park at the edge of the student lot at Jackson Memorial HS as well. That lot is adjacent to our Admin Building).
- Please maintain social distance until the family before you has been assisted.
- Please remember to maintain social distancing as you wait for your turn to come into the tent.
- Please do NOT go to your child’s school to request your pass.
- Please be sure to bring a photo ID with you
- Dates:
- Wednesday, Sept. 1, 2021, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
- Thursday, Sept. 2, 2021, from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
******VERY IMPORTANT - Daily Health Screening for Students:
- Parents will NOT be required to fill out a COVID Daily Health Screening form on the Parent Portal each day.
- Instead, we WILL be asking parents and staff to certify through ONE back-to-school form that they will monitor their child’s health daily and to keep their children (and themselves if they are staff members) home when they are ill.
Regular School Hours, Arrival, and Dismissal:
Please note that school hours are Grades K-5 - 9:05 am – 3:15 pm
In an effort to continuously improve the safety of students and staff, parents may not pick up their child(ren) at the end of the day in the main lobby on a consistent basis. Dismissal in the main lobby will only be reserved for parents who need to occasionally pick up their child due to a doctor’s appointment, an illness, or some other reason prior to the end of the day. Students must be signed out by 2:45 pm.
Thank you in advance for your support in our efforts to improve the safety and well-being of our students and staff members
Arrival Procedures
Arrival (8:55-9:05 am): On the Bus
- Buses will be cleaned between runs
- When possible, the windows will be opened on buses
- Staggered Schedule - Buses will unload at 8:55 (no earlier)
- Students will enter the building at designated grade level areas
- Face Coverings are REQUIRED on Buses, Bus Ramp, Entering the Building, & in the Classroom
- Students should try to practice social distancing when entering the building
- Designated Entrances - Clearly marked directional signals
- Teachers will assist students and direct them to designated grade level entrances
- Designated Drop Off Area (Located at the back of the building-Must enter through W. Veterans Highway)
- Only students in Child Care will be admitted prior to 8:50 AM
- Please follow the “traffic flow” as designated by the signs and cones
- Students must exit the car/vehicle from the PASSENGER/CURBSIDE ONLY
- Staff on duty will supervise students during this time
- Be aware of traffic patterns; please do not move ahead or cut across the line
- Tardy students (arriving after 9:05 AM) must enter through the main entrance with a parent/guardian and will need to be signed in by a parent/guardian with the receptionist. (NOTE: Carline entrance is locked at 9:05 AM daily….please DO NOT drop your child off at the back entrance after 9:05 AM)·
- Children arriving after 9:05 must check in with the receptionists in the main lobby of the main entrance·
- Children must be accompanied into the school and signed in – please have a Photo ID
- For the safety of all of our young learners, please do not drop off students curbside unattended
- Dismissal (Begins @ 3:05 pm): In the afternoon, children are escorted/called to
buses, after school childcare, and parent pick up
- Students may not be signed out after 2:45 pm.
- Parent pick up is located in the back of the building
- Photo ID is required when picking up/signing students out at all time
Pick Up Via CARLINE DISMISSAL: Located in the rear of the building
- Pick up begins at 3:10 pm
- Be mindful of traffic patterns and traffic flow; do not pull out of the line or cut the line; this will ensure the safety of all of our learners·
- Designated Pick Up Area- There will be two car lines for parent pick up at the end of the day (K-2& 3-5)
- Teachers on duty will be outside greeting each car
- Children will be dismissed to their parent/guardian via a rolling car line
- Parents/Guardians do not need to leave their cars for carline pickup
- ID will be checked and parent/guardian will sign the child out on sign out a sheet indicating the time of departure
- Staff on duty will monitor and escort students TO CARS as they pull up, one at a time
- Please be ready for your child(ren) to enter via the PASSENGER side only;it is not safe for them to walk around the car to enter·
- The child will be called to come out via walkie-talkie communication from the Gym (Holding Area)
- Students should try to practice social distancing when exiting the building
- All children must enter their cars on the passenger side
DAILY/REGULAR DISMISSAL PROCEDURES CHANGE: If your child has different dismissal plans than usual
- Must send a note to the teacher – if a request is not supported with a note, regular dismissal procedures will remain in place
- If another person besides a parent will be picking up, notification of this arrangement in writing must be given and proper ID will be required by the adult picking up
- No child is allowed to ride home on any other school bus than the one to which he/she is assigned. Playdates should be arranged by either parent providing the transportation or after the children have arrived home from school
- Call the school main office before 2:00 pm If your child needs to leave school early,
he/she must be signed out with the receptionist first
Food Services:
In September, the children will eat their lunch in designated eating areas with social distance in one gathering area. Before and after each lunch period, school staff will clean surfaces so that hygiene is maintained. Students may bring a bag lunch. Snacks may also be purchased.
Jackson School District Food Services Department operates a computerized point of sale system (POS) in all cafeterias. Students can purchase their snacks by debiting their account. The convenience and security of placing funds in your child’s account helps to eliminate the worry about forgotten or lost money. Deposits will begin on the first day of school.
IMPORTANT: Pursuant to new USDA Guidelines, Effective August 31, 2021, ALL Jackson School District students are now eligible for FREE breakfast and lunch. If you wish not to participate, please instruct your child(ren) not to take the meals.
What does that mean for you?
- If you want your child to bring in their own meal to eat during their scheduled lunch you may do so. If you would like your child to choose the hot/cold lunch option they simply have to ask for it during homeroom. These orders will be filled by the food services staff and bagged/container lunches will be distributed to students during their lunch period. Students do not have to swipe into their accounts because meals are free of charge.
- ALL students will also have the option of having breakfast each day in the APR. Again, these meals are FREE of charge for ALL students so they do not have to swipe their cards.
If your child has a Chromebook from last year, please be sure to check it out a few weeks before school starts to ensure it is in working order. If it is not working, please bring it to your school so a technician can work on it prior to the beginning of school. Schools are open from 8:00 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday.
IF YOU ARE A NEW STUDENT and do not have a district-issued Chromebook, one will be distributed on Thursday, September 9th.
All parents must have an active Chromebook Device Loan Agreement on file with the district. This form can be found on the Parent Portal and must be completed prior to your child being issued a district Chromebook.
What if I have an issue with technology and need assistance with the Parent Portal or Login?
- Please be sure to use the correct support contact for the type of issue you are experiencing. We kindly ask for your patience as we handle each request. We are moving as quickly as we can and we are eager to make sure every student can access the technology they need.
- Please try the "Forgot My Password' link on the Portal Login page BEFORE contacting support. Please note that the "Forgot Password'' link will work only with parents who have an email as their login ID.
- Parent Portal:
- If you have an issue with your portal login, please email portalsupport@jacksonsd.org
- Please include your name and phone number, as well as your child's name, school, grade, student ID number, and the problem you are experiencing.
- Chromebooks, Student Google Login ID, and Passwords:
- If you have an issue with your child’s Chromebook or with his or her Google login credentials, please fill out a Parent/Student Technology Assistance Request Form
- If your Chromebook is broken or damaged, please contact the main office @ (732) 833-4650. For all other issues regarding passwords and logins, please use the request form above...please do not contact the main office.
- Click on the link below for a ton of helpful tutorials for all types of applications in Google and beyond. This amazing chart was created by a teacher at McAuliffe Middle School.
Staying connected with Switlik
- Parentlink
- Our primary method of communicating information to you. Messages are broadcast through telephone messages. If you receive a phone from the school/district and decide to pick up, please make sure that you say, “HELLO”, to activate the message.
- Portal
- This is the way to access your child’s grades and report cards.
- E-Backpack
- This is one of the main ways that the school communicates our parent-teacher organization events and sign-ups for various activities, fundraisers, and purchases during the school year.
- District website, School website, teacher class pages
- Make sure to view these weekly to stay updated with school functions.
Back to School Night:
Back to School Nights (Virtual and In-person):
- Pre K, Kindergarten & First - Tuesday, September 28th, 7:00 pm
- Second & Third Grade- Thursday, September 30th, 7:00 pm
- Fourth & Fifth Grade - Tuesday, October 5th, 7:00pm
Switlik Parent Teacher Network - (PTN)
The Switlik PTN is so excited to be back in September with some in-person events and fundraisers (we will follow all district and state guidelines for everything), however, we NEED the help of our parents!! We are looking for the help of our Switlik parents to coordinate our events and fundraisers. You will be working closely with one of the Board members, but the Board just can't do it all!
If you are interested in something, please use the link below to sign up. If you want some more information for a specific fundraiser or event, feel free to email PTN.Switlik@gmail.com
We are looking forward to a fun-filled school year!
Please mark your calendars for our first PTN meeting which will be held both in person and virtually at 7:00 pm on September 15th.
Topic: PTN September General Meeting
Time: Sep 15, 2021 7:00 pm - 7:40 pm Eastern Time (US and Canada)
The meeting website, ID and Passcode will be forthcoming.
Schools closed:
As a reminder, school will not be in session on Thursday, September 16th.
Additional Date(s) to Remember in September:
Wednesday, September 22nd: Board of Education Meeting: 6:30 pm will be held at JMHS Fine Arts Auditorium.
I look forward to an outstanding school year.
Kathleen McKiernan
Principal, Switlik Elementary