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June, 2022 - Happy Summer!




At Switlik, T.E.A.M. means, “Together Everyone Achieves More.” ~circa 2013


Dear Switlik Families,

It is hard to believe that we are in the month of June. The end of the school year is quickly approaching. I want to take this opportunity to thank our teachers, staff, students, and families for all their time, effort, and patience during this school year. Together we rose to the occasion and fostered an atmosphere of learning and caring, where children felt valued and respected.   The dedication of everyone made this possible. I am so proud to be part of this Switlik Family!!!


I encourage you to continue to check our school webpage and review the following reminders and events carefully.


I would like to invite the Switlik Community to join me on Tuesday, June 7th at 10:00 a.m. in the Switlik APR so that I may introduce you to your new Principal, Dr. Michael Raymond, and Assistant Principal, Mr. Michael Saulnier.  I have been truly honored to serve with them in the district and I am confident I am leaving you in wonderful hands.


Media:  All students in grades Kindergarten through Fifth are asked  to return all borrowed library books by Wednesday, June 8th.


Student Dress Code:  As stated above, it is time to review dress codes with students especially the excerpt regarding NO FLIP-FLOPS or OPEN TOED Shoes.   Please see the excerpt from the student handbook below. If you have any questions please contact the Main Office.

Restrictions on freedom of students’ dress will be imposed whenever the code of dress in question is unsafe either for the student or for those around him/her or whenever it is disruptive to school operations and the educational process in general.  Specifically:

  1. Students will not wear hats, caps, or other head coverings in the building.
  2. No clothing, jewelry, or item that promotes violence, bigotry, profanity or use of a restricted substance, and/or otherwise deemed inappropriate, or interferes with the instructional setting.
  3. Jewelry and clothing should not restrict movement, be distracting or cause a safety hazard to oneself or others.
  4. No micro-mini shorts or skirts will be permitted.  Skirts/shorts must be no shorter than mid-thigh in length.
  5. No boxers, spandex shorts or cutoff shorts will be worn.
  6. No torn or tattered clothing.
  7. All students must wear shoes at all times for safety and health reasons.  No flip-flops or open-toed footwear are allowed.
  8. Students should not wear outer clothing in the building.
  9. All shirts should cover students’ shoulders, backs and come down to the waistline.
  10. Tank tops and backless shirts are not permitted.

Kindergarten Registration:   Registration packets are available online and in all elementary schools.  We encourage all parents (this INCLUDES students already enrolled in the pre-K program) to pre-register online to save time and streamline the registration process at the time of your appointment.   It is incredibly important that parents register during this period so we can plan ahead for the next school year. If you are a parent of a kindergarten student (regardless if they are already in the pre-K program), we kindly ask that you make every effort to register your child during the month of March.  All information is available on the Registration Page on the district website. 

Please call (732) 833-4650 ext.4136 and speak to Mrs. Noreen Lagano to schedule an appointment to register your child for Kindergarten.

Moving:  If you are moving during the summer and will be transferring your child(ren), please contact the main office Monday through Friday between the hours of 8:00 AM and 4:00 PM. If you are moving within the Jackson School District, you will need to sign an Internal Transfer Form and provide proof of your new residency before your child’s records can be transferred.  If you are moving out of the Jackson School District, you will need to sign a Student Transfer Verification Form.  A transfer card and a copy of your child(ren)’s health records(s) will be provided to register at the new school. The following information is needed to complete the transfer card:  new home address, new school name, and the new school address. 

Game Days:  Our Game Days are quickly approaching.  Your child(ren) should bring a towel, cold drinks (no soda, please), healthy snacks, a hat…and be sure to put sunscreen on at home, as teachers are not permitted to do so on your behalf.  We are requesting that students do not wear or bring sunglasses to Game Day, as they get lost or broken since they cannot wear them to play.  Please be sure your child wears sneakers and keep all jewelry at home on Game Days!  There are two breaks for the children broken up in the day for them to eat their snacks and hydrate.  We are looking forward to action packed days!  Please see the schedule:


Pre-School                            Friday, June 3rd

Kindergarten:                        Wednesday, June 1st  

Grade 1:                                 Thursday, June 2nd   

Grade 2:                                 Thursday, June 9th   

Grade 3:                                 Monday, June 6th    

Grade 4:                                 Tuesday, June 7th 

Grade 5:                                 Wednesday, June 8th 


The PTN hopes that his adds to the fun and excitement of the Game Day Experience by providing each student with a COMPLIMENTARY GAME DAY SHIRT.  Please have your child(ren) wear his/her shirt on their grade level’s Game Day

Switlik Night at Jersey Shore Blue Claws- June 1st:  Take your family out to the ballgame and hang out with Switlik friends and staff members.  Fifth Grade students will be singing the National Anthem before the game.

Fifth Grade Chorus Concert:  The Fifth Grade Chorus Concert will be held at 7:00 p.m. on Thursday, June 9th in the Switlik School Gymnasium.  Students must arrive promptly at 6:30 p.m.  Similar to the Moving Up Ceremony, parents/guardians will be invited to attend this special program; however, space is limited to only two (2) guests per students.  Tickets will be forthcoming.  Please note that all Switlik students will have the opportunity to preview the concert during the school day.  Thank you for your cooperation.

Moving Up Ceremony:  The day is quickly approaching where our 5th Grade Students will celebrate their moving up to Middle School. The celebration will begin promptly at 9:20 a.m. on Tuesday, June 14th Parents/Guardians will be invited to attend this special program; however, space is limited to only two (2) guests per students.  For safety concerns, we will not be able to accommodate younger or older siblings within the district.  Younger siblings will not be pulled out of their classroom to attend the ceremony.  Please adhere to the following guidelines to ensure that the day runs smoothly:

  • Please make sure your child arrives to school on time.
  • Please make sure your child/children adhere to the district dress code policy for this special day.
  • Please bring the two designated tickets with you to the ceremony.  Each ticket holder must have a valid picture identification to enter the building.  No exceptions.
  • Parents/Guardians will not be allowed in the building before 9:00 a.m.
  • Please enter and exit the school through the gym lobby doors.
  • If you wish to sign your 5th grade student out after the ceremony, it may be done in your child’s classroom. 

There will be shortened days Tuesday, June 14th-June 17th .  The last day of school is Friday, June 17th

Have a relaxing summer!


Kathleen McKiernan
