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January Principal's Message
Welcome back to school; it’s hard to believe we are in 2023! I hope your holiday was spent with family and friends filled with memories to cherish. Just a couple of quick points as we start the new year.
First, don't forget the parent portal is open to view 1st trimester report cards. If you have any issues accessing them, call the office.
Second, please make sure your child has their student ID with them. The IDs help with expediting the lunch lines and boarding the bus. If your child has misplaced their ID please let the office know. It does take a couple of weeks to get a replacement.
Finally, to help speed up the drop-off/pick-up process by the gym, we are asking that cars pull all the way up in the loop to drop-off or pick-up. I know the tendency is to stop at the crosswalk by the door, but we can accommodate many more cars and students if everyone pulls up as far as possible. We appreciate everyone’s help in this matter.
Dates to Remember:
1/16 - School Closed for Martin Luther King Day
1/24 - Grade 5 Choral Concert/7:00-8:00 p.m. - JMHS
1/31 - School Closed for Students (In-Service Day)
Thank you,
Dr. Raymond