
    Welcome to 6th grade!  I'm super excited to get to know all of my students as I enter my 23rd year of teaching.  This school year I may be teaching your child Math in a small group during Period 5/6 or throughout the day with Mr. Kelly in a larger, inclusive setting.  We aim to deliver personal instruction to students through creative approaches to learning.  



       Google Classroom is a useful tool to find posted material materials, however, grading is strictly done on Genesis.                            















Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor Degree in Social Work Special Education Certification

Ms. Kristen Pagliaro


Feel free to email me with any questions or concerns.


This is my 23rd year teaching Special Education at Goetz. I've enjoyed teaching all three grade levels Literacy, Math, and Social Studies.  Each year presents itself with its own personality and I look forward to experiencing all that this year will bring!   



  • Please have a spiral notebook or composition notebook ready for class along with pencils and a charged chromebook.

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  • Google Classroom will the platform in which all material will be posted and communicated.

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