- Goetz Middle School
- Welcome 7th Graders
Welcome 7th Graders
There is absolutely no food allowed to be eaten during HR or class time. Water is OK
My name is Mr. Chris Zammit and the other teacher in class is Ms. Sharon Truhan.
I will be your science instructor this semester: It's going to be an awesome experience working with you all.We will be using a program called Openscied this semester: It is a inquiry based curriculum in which Ms. Truhan and I facilitate while the students use the process of elimination and inquiry to problem solve a variety of mostly chemical reaction issues.We will be using a traditional notebook and your chromebooks in class this year.
Materials that will help: Each child would benefit by having a glue stick and a back up . We can put your names on the sticks using tape and a sharpie so that you can leave the sticks in class.
All current information is found on the students google classrooms.
If you try, you will do well! Tests = 30%, Quizzes = 20%, H.W. = 10%, Part. = 40%