



       Welcome to Mrs. Riccardi's 8th Grade Science Class!



     I am looking forward to meeting everyone.


    Please look at the supplies listed below that are needed for class.

    I am asking that all students have the following supplies: 

    • 1 inch-  3 ring binder with loose-leaf, lined paper(space is limited- 1 inch is a perfect size)
    •  1 folder
    • Colored pencils for  home
    •  Pencils and erasers
    • School-issued Chromebook and compatible earbuds ( cheap wired pairs work well) 
    • Binders will be left in the classroom -CANNOT BE SHARED WITH ANOTHER CLASS




    Parents will receive an invitation to join the Google Classroom. Please remember that they can be shut off if you are not interested in getting notifications.




     ***Students please use your first and last name; parent/guardians please type in your name and the student's name.


    Student Form to Meet with a Guidance Counselor









    Science Classes- Semester 2 


    Period 2b-3

    Period 6-7a




    Suggested Supplies:


    1 inch- 1 1/2 inch binder


    3 dividers



    ***colored pencils for home


     Binder and folder are for science only! 

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