• How to Pay the Participation Fee

      • Fees can be paid online at www.payschoolscentral.com, which is the same program utilized by the district for the payment of lunch fees. This vendor assesses a small fee for the convenience of paying online.

        (NOTE: If you do not wish to pay online, you can make payments with cash or check through your coach or advisor. Checks should be made out to “Jackson School District”. There is no fee for paying in person.)

        Once you log into www.payschoolscentral.com, you will need the following four pieces of information to set up an account:

        • Child’s Name (as it appears in our school records)
        • ID Number
        • Grade Level
        • School

        If you need the above referenced information, it can be obtained by utilizing the Parent Portal (this is the system you use to view your child’s grades online). There is also a “Help’’ and "Forgot Password" tab on the www.payschoolscentral.com site that answers questions you may have as you attempt to register.

        NOTE: For those families who have qualified for free or reduced lunch, a reduced fee will be as-sessed. If you are utilizing the online payment system, that reduced fee will be automatically given as an option. If you are not paying online, you must pick up a Sharing Informa-tion Form from the athletic office or from your coach so that we can verify that you qualify for this discount. In other cases of financial hardship, families may make an ap-peal to the superintendent of schools, who will evaluate them on a case-by-case basis.

       The Jackson School District has implemented an athletic and activity “Participation Fee” at the middle school and high school levels.

      This program was implemented to help create revenue to sustain district athletic and extra-curricular programming.

      NOTE: The new rates as of July 1, 2021 are reflected in the brochure below. 

      Since 2010, the Jackson School District has implemented an athletic and activity “Participation Fee” at the middle school and high school levels to help create revenue to sustain district athletic and extra-curricular programming.

      Effective July 1, 2021, the rates increased to the amounts listed below (due to COVID and the shortening of seasons last year we maintain the old pricing for the remainder of 2020-2021):

      • $75 Athletic Fee (per person, per sport) (effective 7-1-21)
      • $35 Activity Fee (effective 7-1-21)
      • $350 Maximum Family Cap (effective 7-1-21) 

      Students will not be provided a uniform until these fees are received.

      Full details of this participation fee, including information about fees for students who qualify for free or reduced meals, are available at: https://www.jacksonsd.org/participationfee