- Goetz Middle School
- Welcome
Welcome Back to Goetz Health & Physical Education!
Hello everyone! I hope this message finds you well and ready to start a new year! Physical Education classes will be held on A or B days according to your schedule. Health classes will take place for one entire marking period. They will be held during 2nd or 3rd marking period only.
No students will be REQUIRED to change clothes for PE class this year. But they must be prepared with proper athletic sneakers to participate in all activities. PE lockers/locks will not be issued. All students will bring their belongings (backpack/slingbag) to the gymnasium and be placed on the indoor or outdoor bleachers. Please try to avoid bringing unnecessary valuables to school as much as possible. All classes will be held outdoors, weather permitting.
Students will be assessed according to their preparedness, participation and citizenship.
The entire Health & Physical Education department staff is looking forward to another great year at Goetz Middle School!
If you have any questions or concerns please contact me via email lahowell@jacksonsd.org or by phone Monday-Friday at 732-833-4610 ext 3139 8:00am-3:00pm
Health and PE Back to School Video