
  • All assignments are posted daily on Google Classroom. Any questions, please contact me at 



    Welcome to Mrs. Ballou's Social Studies and Science Classes


    I am proud that I have been a teacher at Goetz Middle School since 1998. I enjoy interacting with the students and watching them grow throughout the year! Happy School Year 2022-2023! Go Cougars!!



    Get ready to learn many new concepts this year in science and social studies. In science class, we will investigate through hands-on/demonstration activities, labs, and research topics. In social studies class, we will explore ancient civilizations and recognize why  learning history is important. Most importantly, we will make learning fun!




    Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, "I'M POSSIBLE." 

    by Audrey Hepburn














  • Supplies Needed:

    1.5" Binder with dividers and paper (Grade 6 Social Studies)



    Colored Pencils







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